I guess I picked a bad day to rototill and reseed the backyard.

Mark Wein

Grand Poobah
Staff member
I figured it was a bad idea yesterday when we started getting smoke around here. Its also going to be 98 degrees today too.

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Ugh. We got some fires in NM but nothing like the horrors you guys have to deal with. Mojo.
Ohio, we had a level 4 snow emergency (no one is allowed to be on the roads except emergency personal and hospital employees. or face arrest) for almost two weeks. I was in HELL.

When I was a kid, we would have "Smog days' here in California. The air was literally so bad that they wouldn't let kids outside to play at school and there were advisories to stay inside. As they got pollution under control that stuff went away but apparently it was even worse in the 1960's with the Kaiser Steel plant pumping out crap into the valleys and other pre-emission regulation here in SoCal. Just the garbage in the air from the fires that we're having so much more frequently is giving me flashbacks. I need to go hose the ash off of my car tomorrow when it all settles down.

When I was a kid, we would have "Smog days' here in California. The air was literally so bad that they wouldn't let kids outside to play at school and there were advisories to stay inside. As they got pollution under control that stuff went away but apparently it was even worse in the 1960's with the Kaiser Steel plant pumping out crap into the valleys and other pre-emission regulation here in SoCal. Just the garbage in the air from the fires that we're having so much more frequently is giving me flashbacks. I need to go hose the ash off of my car tomorrow when it all settles down.
Sounds like the last volcanic eruption we had in CR. You could hardly breath, and inches of ash covered everything.
Air quality here (Santa Clara) is moderate (PM2.5 @ 79) right now, and I'm hoping it either improves or doesn't get any worse because this is my next three days (Santa Clara Sporting Invitational Tournament):


Even though the games only consist of 35-minute halves, that's still a lot of running if I'll be swallowing smoke particles the whole time!

We had all our wildfires in the late spring. We have had a fair amount of rain so that is not as much a problem this year. Grapefruit sized hail has been though. Same part of town got nailed in June, this this past Monday. Did major damage to the zoo as well.

We had all our wildfires in the late spring. We have had a fair amount of rain so that is not as much a problem this year. Grapefruit sized hail has been though. Same part of town got nailed in June, this this past Monday. Did major damage to the zoo as well.

I think grapefruit-sized hail qualifies as comets!