HYPOTHETICAL: You can drink nothing but soda for the rest of your life...


There's a reason your server hesitantly replies, "Is Pepsi okay?"

Yeah. I have a problem with "3) You can’t be picky about your favourite brand." My wife only allows me one soda a day so, it better be a Coke.

Some ground rules:

1) In this imaginary universe, soda has no impact on your health. Drink a gallon a day, you won’t gain weight or get diabetes and your teeth won’t rot. Caffeine won’t impact you either.

2) Water, coffee, tea, milk, alcohol, etc., none of these are options. You drink your fucking soda or you spend every day of your life in thirst.

3) You can’t be picky about your favourite brand. You’re encouraged to mention your favs it in this thread, but when it comes down to decision time, no caveats like “root beer, but only if it’s Great-Great-Grandma Blanchard’s root beer recipe that was in the family since before the Civil War...”

Dr. Pepper, hands down, no question.
I really don't even like soda any more. I just drink seltzer water so that would be my choice.

If it had to be a soda it would be root beer - but it needs to be real root beer.