Help! Help me identify a song

Any other lyrics besides "you don't have to"? That's a wide net.
Yes, that's a fair point! Maybe the second line is something like "You don't have to [something] anymore", but I honestly can' t be sure.

I remember it being very big sounding, like with gated snare, lots of reverb, synths and whatnot, but no guitars, I think, much like Total Eclipse of the Heart, that kind of thing.
Yes, that's a fair point! Maybe the second line is something like "You don't have to [something] anymore", but I honestly can' t be sure.

I remember it being very big sounding, like with gated snare, lots of reverb, synths and whatnot, but no guitars, I think, much like Total Eclipse of the Heart, that kind of thing.

Well shit.... No guitars? .... good chance I heard it once and was like "skip". :helper: