I was once the Easter Bunny at West Farms Mall in West Hartford, CT. I was 20 years old, and had an enormous substance abuse problem.
The gig was absolutely horrible - you went in to a dark, dank room that featured 4-5 bunny suits hanging on hooks in the shadows. If that wasn't creepy enough, they had never been cleaned. Ever. After years of being worn by ... well, creeps like the 20 year old me.
One fine Friday night I down my usual fifth of bourbon, dropped some acid, did some lines and huffed Compound W. Because back in those days, Compound W had some ether in it. As the light dawned at 5:30 a.m. I realized there was no way I'd be sleeping, and tried to get myself together for the 9

0 a.m. shift at the mall.
Cue: looooooooooooong line of families, escorting their screaming, uncomfortable kids. Meeting the Easter Bunny was free, but if you wanted three shit Polaroids to commemorate the moment forever (and who wouldn't?) that will be $5.97, thanks. (Fuck me, I still remember the price).
Somewhere inside a bunny suit made of carpet, caked with a decade of dried, sour sweat and inside a large papier mache mask that smelled worse, I was in that dreadful no man's land between completely wasted and the beginnings of an epic hangover. Nothing to make that moment like a parade of full-diapered, screaming infants and their parents. "JARED! LOOK AT THE CAMERA!!!!! SMILE AT MOMMY!!!!" I was making $5.35/hr. for this.
All of a sudden a kid scrambles up on my lap. He's almost too old to be sitting on my lap, but not yet, and he's a pretty cool customer. He turns and stares up into the masks's gaping buck-toothed grin and into my red, stinging eyes. He is missing front teeth, plural. "Are you really the Ether Bunny?" he asks?
And all of a sudden it is all worthwhile. I smell my own boozy sweat, my stinking breath curling around me in the giant bunny head, and I think:
this kid is a psychic. Or at least very fucking smart. I also really specifically remember fighting down a dry heave as I began to speak to him (technically a big no-no, not supposed to speak in your voice while 'in character').