Am I the only one worried about 9/11 this year?

Elias Graves

Common misfit
Between the missing Malaysian jet liner, the 11 stolen Libyan jetliners, the bs ISIS has been up to and whatnot, I just have a bad feeling in my guy that something is gonna go down this year.
I hope I'm wrong but I can't shake it. The closer we get to the day, the more concerned I get.
Am I alone in this insanity or is anyone else a little worried this year?
No, and I can see this thread going off the rails pretty quickly.
That's not my intent. There's nothin political about it. If those guys act, it's on them. Please keep it cool, everybody.
I'm just concerned and keeping it in was eating me up.
If nothing else, tell me it's gonna be fine and I'll feel better.
I don't know.

It's almost like they don't have to do anything anymore and they achieve the same result: fear and uncertainty.

They'd likely achieve more doing something on another day and then tying some sort of significance to it.
Another day to fret over. They win again. It sucks.
If you worry about it, the terrorists win.

Fuck them in their meathead faces, goddamn douche-bag, innocent people killing, murdering, coward, fucktard faces.

Celebrate LIFE, not fear.

Thanks, Kong.
Thanks, everybody. I don't know why it's bugging me this year. I don't indulge in much media. It's just...I don't know. A gut thing. I hope I'm wrong.
Although we did have that McVeigh asshole incident a few years back. That sucked.
Home grown loon, though. His bomb was just as deadly as the other guys...
Why would they need to do anything? They've already fundamentally altered our society...paranoid citizens looking over their shoulder, mistrusting their neighbors, getting fed by a media that thrives on suffering and fear mongering, led by a government that has compensated for it's inability to provide security by trampling on the freedoms it's sworn to protect...

...they already won...