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Hey Mark, would you mind deleting my account and all the stuff associated? I haven't been participating as much as I was in the past and I don't want to add clutter to the database.

Thank you sir!
when you get a chance, could you PM me my password? somehow i got logged out overnight and i don't remember what i had my password set to. the one i remember doesn't work. i can access the site by using my facebook, but i have to keep logging in and i'm not logged in as mongooz then.
for some reason i got "signed out" over night, and now what i remember as my password, now doesn't work. any chance you can PM me what i had my password set to, so i can change it to something i WILL remember? or do i need to as Mark for this?
I think you need to ask Mark for that. I don't have access to the password information. Sorry.
Hiya Oh Grand Poohba.
I am signing up for lessons at a local spot.

Do you have anything I can buy and download that can augment these lessons? I am looking for chord theory stuff mainly. Solo and scale stuff I wanna try with the teacher one on one.

Thanks oh Bearded One.

Hey brother I read your car crash story. That was my best friend since 16, my wife's half brother. Do you know who stole the memorial? The first one...I just recently put the white cross up
My email
Hey, Mark! About 3 years ago I gave in to the temptation to complain about my ex in the lounge. A few days ago my ex sent me the link to that thread citing it as an example of abuse. She didn't say, though, who it was that was abusing who. You cannot make these things up! Well, I knew I shouldn't have done it back then, and I was right.