Resident Ragamuffin
I'm too broke to buy another electric, even though I actually need one. I believe it has been about 5 years since I bought a new electric and 4 years since I bought a used one. I do see a lot of younger people taking up guitar - just not in the numbers you used to see. And a fair amount of that is the hit music on the radio. Even up through the 90s you had a lot of guitar driven music cracking the pop charts. Today it is all pseudo-R&B and keyboard/sample driven. Or acoustic guitars. The one exception being country, which while the songs are god awful at least there is still a guitar driven element to them.
Actually - I just looked at the Billboard pop charts. Not a single guitar driven song on the list. In fact almost all of it is lame, forgettable, weak ass R&B flavored ear shit. What little guitar is there is buried.
Actually - I just looked at the Billboard pop charts. Not a single guitar driven song on the list. In fact almost all of it is lame, forgettable, weak ass R&B flavored ear shit. What little guitar is there is buried.