You don't deserve koa.
Back to free jazz here.
I don't see where anyone " needs" to have a starting point to get into some type of music. It's always like "well, you know,...you really should start off with this,.... this was accessible, before you get to this. Otherwise it sounds like trash..."
Why does musical "enjoyment" have to be some sort of aural Stockholm Syndrome?
Count me happily out.
I was going to state that there is no comfort zone in ignorance for me to another comment here, but I realised that at least in music there is.
And Dexter won the interwebs for his comment on Wilco/Radiohead![]()
Music is the quintessential artform where people value their own kneejerk opinions above the enormous critical consensus.
If you said the same thing about about the literature of Joyce, Proust, Beckett, etc. ... I mean, there's nothing wrong about ignorant about literature, but people would instantly recognize that you're ignorant about literature if you said that admiration for Moby-Dick is example of the Emperor's New Clothes. If your kid complains about having to read Middlemarch in school, do you go to the principle and say that if books don't offer instant rewards and pleasures, then what's the point?
Context is everything. You can't walk into a major art museum and have any kind of opinion whatsoever without an education. Manet? What's so interesting about this? Another naked chick reclining.
How about ballet? If someone threw you in the audience to watch Sara Mearns perform a Balanchine solo, would you be confident in asserting that your opinion is as valid as the next?
What's so different about music?
Fear of being thought ignorant breeds ignorance, simply put.
Paraphrasing, Cecil Taylor said "I prepare for the performance; the audience should prepare as well." He's within his rights to say that. He's an artist.