Pedalboard build advice needed

I tend to put it out of the way because it's not something I'm going to use mid song or so I don't accidentally hit it mid song and kill the signal :grin:

I've been considering putting the tuner off board with a battery.
I like the tuner more accessible. I like to kick it on and give a quick strum to check tuning while the singer is yammering on.
so far I haven’t had any issues with hitting the wrong thing. I’m playing the Greg Koch sig and the Valentine with the cover band for the most part so with the hard tails I don’t need to tune much.

Kind of fun, we had a new guitar player sit in on Saturday and he was pretty good. The songs all devolved into the two of us trading guitar solos for 15 mins. I was damn near bending the high E off of the fretboard at a few points. Shockingly, the string didn’t break and it was still in tune.

I’ve been trying to push for some 90’s rock or gainer stuff in general so I can bring the McFeely out.