OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Oh, and...
To the Editor:

As Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens’s mother, I am writing to object to any mention of his name and death in Benghazi, Libya, by Donald Trump’s campaign and the Republican Party.

I know for certain that Chris would not have wanted his name or memory used in that connection. I hope that there will be an immediate and permanent stop to this opportunistic and cynical use by the campaign.


Oakland, Calif.
I can see why he says that, since we've seen so few GOP members willing to fight for their party and their principles. Even evangelicals, who have to recognize that Trump is about as religious as Chris Hitchens, are just throwing it all away and are giving him the nomination.

They had better options! Kasich, much as I disagree with many of his views, seems like a way better candidate, and one who'd have a bigger chance of beating Clinton in the general.
i agree and have said so several times in this thread. (Kerouac is going to scream bloody murder about Kasich when he reads this).
every poll that was done before the gop primary was over had kasich beating hillary in the general. while i disagree with a good deal of his platform, he is at least not a freakin' looney toon.
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Because they've all fallen in line.

I'd love to see one on them, just one, risk their careers by stepping up and saying 'this isn't what I got into politics for'.

Everyone who, a few months ago, was shouting "anyone but Trump" is now silent.

Career over integrity.

Fair enough, what do you think about Ted Cruz not endorsing Trump?
i agree and have said so several times in this thread. (Kerouac is going to scream bloody murder about Kasich when he reads this).
every poll that was done before the gop primary was over had kasich beating hillary in the general. while i disagree with a good deal of his platform, he is at least not a freakin' looney toon.
Lest we forget how Cruz, who I personally would be even more hesitant about over Trump, was the second most popular guy in the race. Ted Cruz. Damn. He's unlikable to the point where not even his kids wanna give him a hug.

Tho it was fun to see him actually show that he had a pair, and refused to endorse Trump. I still can't stand the guy, but that was something.

At the end of the day, it's pretty obvious that the party itself is torn between the Trump crowd, who don't really have a clear message aside from anger and wanting to rage against the machine (yup), and the so-called establishment. I don't really know if said establishment is all that united themselves, but I don't really see how a Reagan-esque conservative could get behind Trump's Speech of Doom at the end of the convention.
Lest we forget how Cruz, who I personally would be even more hesitant about over Trump, was the second most popular guy in the race. Ted Cruz. Damn. He's unlikable to the point where not even his kids wanna give him a hug.

Tho it was fun to see him actually show that he had a pair, and refused to endorse Trump. I still can't stand the guy, but that was something.

At the end of the day, it's pretty obvious that the party itself is torn between the Trump crowd, who don't really have a clear message aside from anger and wanting to rage against the machine (yup), and the so-called establishment. I don't really know if said establishment is all that united themselves, but I don't really see how a Reagan-esque conservative could get behind Trump's Speech of Doom at the end of the convention.

A lot of people I know that are voting for Trump are doing it solely because they dislike Hillary. They consider a vote for a third party a vote for Hillary and even if they don't like Trump their anti-Clinton tendencies are even more powerful.
A lot of people I know that are voting for Trump are doing it solely because they dislike Hillary. They consider a vote for a third party a vote for Hillary and even if they don't like Trump their anti-Clinton tendencies are even more powerful.

Pretty much this. I think a small proportion of peeps will vote for Trump because they like him. Most will vote for him because they dislike her so much.

Both parties really need to get their heads out their asses.
A lot of people I know that are voting for Trump are doing it solely because they dislike Hillary. They consider a vote for a third party a vote for Hillary and even if they don't like Trump their anti-Clinton tendencies are even more powerful.
I think that sentiment holds true on both sides. A lot of folks aren't going to be voting "for" somebody as much as they will be voting "against" somebody. Pretty sad state of affairs.
A lot of people I know that are voting for Trump are doing it solely because they dislike Hillary. They consider a vote for a third party a vote for Hillary and even if they don't like Trump their anti-Clinton tendencies are even more powerful.
Yeah, it seems that way. We've got a mix of strategic voting, protest voting, and the rest are genuine votes due to an appreciation for the candidates. Me, I'd love to see more pressure to get those other parties more in the spotlight. I'm far from a Libertarian, but it's hard to actively dislike Gary Johnson, and I think he'd be a great addition to the debates.

From my experience here in Norway, it seems odd to only have two options for the politics you want the country to be governed by, but I guess you get used to it.
A lot of people I know that are voting for Trump are doing it solely because they dislike Hillary. They consider a vote for a third party a vote for Hillary and even if they don't like Trump their anti-Clinton tendencies are even more powerful.

That seems pretty stupid. Are they democrats? I get it if you are a republican, but for a democrat to do that is like cutting off your nose to spite your face.
That said, I question his motivations, and if it were an election between Cruz and Trump, I'd probably vote Trump.
I'm on the same page, yeah. Mostly because while Trump says a lot of extreme things, he has shown a willingness to be flexible. Cruz's politics are very inflexible, and they're the kind that I simply can't get behind. You know he won't sway one bit, as he's shown time and time again, and he's a stubborn bastard.
Tell that to the millions of Iraqis who lost loved ones when the Bush administration let civil war and ethnic cleansing rage across Iraq. A Trump win is probably going to lead to lots of people dying outside the USA when Donald decides to fight terror by carpet bombing Syria, Iran, or Turkey.

Not to mention what a Trump win does for the reputation of the USA, democracy, and free markets around the world. If the best we can do is put Trump then America isn't going to be something to aspire to. The long-term consequences of that could be terrible.
The biggest thing for me (other than the lost lives that could occur with war, and the encouragement of the worst in our society by his election in terms of prejudice and hateful acts) would be his potential impact on the US Supreme Court if some of our justices can't hold on. Our personal privacy and 4th Amendment related rights and freedoms have already eroded in recent decades. Some strides have been made in terms of equality recently that could be erased. And other bad stuff that would take years and years to correct. A S. Court Justice appointment is a huge impact.

EDIT: this reply is from 3 pages ago. But still to me it states the biggest things for me.
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cruz's entire purpose on this earth (for him) is to turn america into a christian theocracy. and he has said so, behind closed doors (but didn't realize there were folks there who would tell on him later).
I saw a pretty apt metaphor of Trump being like an Alien facehugger which has attached itself to the GOP. :lol:

Remove hom and risk killing the party. Endorse him and the party may spawn something far far worse.

Gave me a chuckle :shrug:
I actually wonder how fast Trump would resign if he were elected, once he realizes he can't fire congress or the supreme court, or that he just can't declare bankruptcy for the country.

He won't resign, he'll start to wonder what it feels like to order bombs to be dropped on poor brown people.
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