OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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To me, the speech thing is yet another side show issue that doesn't really matter. Other than it shows sloth on the part of the Trump campaign and I suppose that could say something about his governance beyond his whacky statements and positions. The themes of such speeches seem to be recycled endlessly. It was just done poorly here, without re-working and re-wording the themes. I kinda feel bad for her too. Sorta. But that is still not really the point. The point is that there is no way we can let Mr. Trump have the keys to the government, missiles, potential supreme court noms, etc.
From the brains of a brain surgeon... :facepalm:

One of the things that I have learned about Hillary Clinton is that one of her heroes, her mentors, was Saul Alinsky.

And her senior thesis was about Saul Alinsky.

This was someone that she greatly admired and that affected all of her philosophies, subsequently. Now interestingly enough, let me tell you something about Saul Alinsky. He wrote a book called Rules for Radicals. On the dedication page, it acknowledges Lucifer, the original radical who gained his own kingdom.

Now think about that. This is a nation where our founding document, the Declaration of Independence, talks about certain inalienable rights that come from our Creator. This is a nation where our Pledge of Allegiance says we are one nation “Under God.” This is a nation where every coin in our pocket and every bill in our wallet says “In God We Trust.” So are we willing to elect someone as President who has as their role model, somebody who acknowledges Lucifer? Think about that!​
Holy shit, ugh. What century is it?
Other than it shows sloth on the part of the Trump campaign and I suppose that could say something about his governance beyond his whacky statements and positions.

It also disproves the idea that Trump "hires the best people." His own wife got handed an obviously plagiarized speech that was cribbed from Michelle Obama, a woman who republicans are supposed to hate everything she stands for.

Unless of course you count Michelle Obama as one of the "best people," and Trump didn't even have to pay her for her work. That's why he's such a good fucking businessman.
I think the speech was copied on purpose. It goes back to Trump really not running to win the election. Everyday, he gets more and more out there and this was one more thing to throw out there to make him seem worse. I really hope that his goal is to take down the party and if it is, he is brilliant.
I think the speech was copied on purpose. It goes back to Trump really not running to win the election. Everyday, he gets more and more out there and this was one more thing to throw out there to make him seem worse. I really hope that his goal is to take down the party and if it is, he is brilliant.
Be careful. You'll give him ideas.
Whether the speech matters or not, the incident just adds to the whole Gong Show vibe.
Yet, it really does seem like they are trying everything they can to get the gong.
Yes, gong show. That seems right. And the fear that was instilled into this campaign season helped (IMO) to prevent the candidate on the Dem side with the better policies and positions, IMO, to be defeated by the perceived safer choice. I will support her nonetheless, but the gong show vibe really is bothering me.
I think the speech was copied on purpose. It goes back to Trump really not running to win the election. Everyday, he gets more and more out there and this was one more thing to throw out there to make him seem worse. I really hope that his goal is to take down the party and if it is, he is brilliant.

Sadly, I don't think he's got that much depth.
seriously, for a guy who is obviously crazy smart (neurosurgeon) he sure sounds like a complete bafoon most times.

I spent 6 years providing IT support for a Radiology department. Some of the doctors I supported were recognized as the best in the world and you would be surprised at how dumb some of them seemed. Just failing to grasp simple concepts. But they were amazing doctors.
I spent 6 years providing IT support for a Radiology department. Some of the doctors I supported were recognized as the best in the world and you would be surprised at how dumb some of them seemed. Just failing to grasp simple concepts. But they were amazing doctors.

Over-specialization can leave little time for other pursuits.

I've met my share of people who were brilliant in one or two things, and childlike when it came to anything else.
I spent 6 years providing IT support for a Radiology department. Some of the doctors I supported were recognized as the best in the world and you would be surprised at how dumb some of them seemed. Just failing to grasp simple concepts. But they were amazing doctors.
A different type of smart IMO. At least sometimes.
.... This is a nation where our Pledge of Allegiance says we are one nation “Under God.”

I learned it as a kid as "One Nation... Indivisible.... With liberty and justice for all" and somehow, it got changed for those who can't comprehend 5 syllable words? :shrug:
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And yeah, the speech-writing doesn't reflect on Trump's wife.

But it does certainly reflect on Trump, and on how disorgranized and incohesive his campaign has been. At this point, your average presidential campaign is a well-oiled machine, and every speech by a major figure will get proof-read by 20 staffers.

Trump got through the primaries without having to depend on traditional campaigning.

However, as @Beyer160 said, it's pretty relavent to his go-to line "it's easy, I know the best people, I'll hire the best people, and it'll be done like that, in a matter of months, no problem."
I spent 6 years providing IT support for a Radiology department. Some of the doctors I supported were recognized as the best in the world and you would be surprised at how dumb some of them seemed. Just failing to grasp simple concepts. But they were amazing doctors.
yep.....and for that reason, they should stay the hell out of politics.
yep.....and for that reason, they should stay the hell out of politics.
Same could be said about rocket scientists, physicists, any technical specialist I suppose, if the person has not had some traditional classical education along the way. I would say there are probably a lot of technical types out there that also are very good thinkers in broader contexts. Just not this guy.
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