I know lots of liberal democrats who are demanding a Gorsuch filibuster. Mostly Bernie supporters. I think the party is using this to get the attention of all those angry liberals who tend not to vote at all and use them to expand the base. Because moderate liberals don’t really give a fuck, so they’re not going to vote against a Democrat for filibustering Gorsuch, and I think many of them will smirk and pump their fist about it if nobody is looking.
He isn’t. Gorsuch was on the board of the private school my kids go to. And that place is a haven for left-wing flakes. It is literally the school where rich white lesbians send their adopted African kids. There are conservative families around, but they don’t admit it. And Gorsuch is definitely not a religious fanatic. He’s a lapsed Catholic who attends his wife’s flaming left-wing Episcopalian congregation. When was the last time you met a hard-right white male Christian Republican who let his wife pick the family Church?
The real trojan horse with Gorsuch is a philosophy/ideology called “natural law.” Exactly how this fits into American jurisprudence is not known, because the USA has never had a supreme court justice who subscribed to natural law. And Gorsuch takes pride in at least paying total lip service to the law, so he might not even bring that in.
And maybe this is why Trump picked Gorsuch. Nobody really know’s where he’s coming from. So congress can’t write legislation with a good idea of how Gorsuch will react, at least not until he’s been around a decade and written a pile of opinions. Gorsuch might be one more stick shoved into the wheel of government as we know it.