Meatus McPrepuce
Yes, on a moat! I like the way you think!Hopefully the whole wall thing will go away. That is 14+billion that could be much better spent.
Yes, on a moat! I like the way you think!Hopefully the whole wall thing will go away. That is 14+billion that could be much better spent.
What is even more crazy, is Trump made his money in real estate. He had to have lost a fortune during that mess. (His company filed for bankruptcy in 2009) I get that the whole republican message is regulations are bad, but when he personally lost a ton because of it, you would think he wouldn't want to go down that road again. Now him killing the EPA and other regulations he is dismantling I get, he didn't personally lose anything because of them and he is only in it for himself, but the bank ones is really odd.
i'm pretty sure tiger was being sarcastic.
but you're right. they have the possibility to truly and seriously and maybe even irrepairably fuck everything up. even across the planet.
and while i don't really understand why, besides greed, they are so fucking hell bent on making the destruction happen instantly.
Yes, on a moat! I like the way you think!
Yes, on a moat! I like the way you think!
The problem is that most Breitbart stories could pass for satire. “UNCOVERED: OBAMA’S SECRET PLAN TO PUT ISLAM INTO ORBIT” is a joke headline on almost any news site, but on Brietbart it’s going to attract ten thousand comments about “space ni…s” and “rocket jockeys”.
Yes, on a moat! I like the way you think!
I know, but it's still important to folks understand how shitty this action is. In addition to making sure we don't normalize the hate that the Trump campaign and election brought us, we can't find the horrible legislation and executive orders "normal". Just because it's his/their SOP, it doesn't mean we should be okay with it.
With laser beams strapped to their heads?Crocodiles...lots and lots of crocodiles. Robot crocodiles where needed.
they can't seem to wrap their heads around the notion that unless they MAKE the truth come out, it won't. and if that gets them thrown out of the press room, then it does. and then they just go all out war on the dumpster and FORCE him to deal with them.
they're doing it wrong. it should be "if YOU mr. pres. want to get your message out, then YOU deal with US." not the other way around.
"Sessions told radio host Hugh Hewitt that he was "going to do everything I possibly can to restore the independence and professionalism of the Department of Justice."
if that truly was his intent, then he should resign today. HE has turned the DOJ into the enforcement wing of the whitehouse. there's no independence there. nor is there ANY transparency.
appoint an independent counsel to see if there is some way of charging and prosecuting the previous admin.?
what the fuck is this, leningrad?
yea, i've been using that term (christo-fascit) for a number of years now. and it's the right term to use for the uber right wing evango-nazis (there's another one you can use).
they're no more "christian" than Stalin. they cherry pick the religion to extract the bits and bytes that support their particular version of hate.
WWJD has NO meaning to them.
With laser beams strapped to their heads?
Only if they're USA made laser beams. This is gonna be part of a jobs bill.