OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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They're pandering to a President. What did you think they were doing?

I'm starting to wondering if the plot of Get Out is based on reality or if Duochie McShitforbrains is trying to see if he can get it to really work.

And what is with anyone pandering to someone that goes against their belief system? Or more specifically, a man that has been sued for continuing his father's practice of not selling or renting to black people.

It's obvious what he's doing, but I don't see how anyone of color (including orange) can lower themselves to be in his company.
It wouldn't be a problem were he just an asshole. Trump is so much more than that.

Of course. I think even a fair amount of right leaning people see that. How they process that info is another issue.

However you can't make moves unless you play the game.*

Twas ever thus.

*unless you're a follower of the only winning move is not to play style philosophy :thu:
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To be fair, every email I have received from a politician (with the exception of Al Franken) has had a contribution line at the end.

Yup. I got countless emails and printed mailings from Barack and Michelle when Obama was in office.
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