OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Just saw this FB


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HRC campaign gets surrogates willing to take a hit to suggest that this "assassination attempt" is a bit suspicious for a man with a reputation for spectacle who is backed into a corner. The official campaign position is that it's regrettable that our national discourse has come to this, with heavy insinuations that Donald brought this on himself by inciting violence at his rallies. Addressing this is Campaigning (and Whisper Campaigning) 101.
Did the. VA police check that the dude is the registered owner? That he wasn't a convicted felon?

The reality of this situation is that regardless of it was a real threat or not, enough people don't believe it was real because of all the bullshittery he has pulled up until now.

That is the state of his campaign. That is the state of the party (mostly, if not completely)
That will be the state of the union if he's elected.
He could do a complete 180 and become an even-keeled, sane, responsible, presidential president, and it would be too late.
A lot of people are well past believing any part of any bit of what comes out of his yap.

He could say the most sane/humanitarian/logical/etc. thing and people will wonder kind of shit he's up to.
Went out and doorbelled again yesterday afternoon on behalf of the dems. To registered Dems only, that were on the list of not having voted yet (early voting closed here Friday), and to make sure they had a plan to vote Tuesday, and see if anyone needed a ride to the polls (elderly, disabled etc.) Pretty much everyone was really polite and thanked me for coming out. A few did not know where to go and what the hours were, so I helped out with that so they could think through how to get there before or after work, etc. I spoke to a few that were pretty disgusted with the national election but did not want it to harm the local dem candidates. One lady was voting all dem down ticket and was steeling herself to vote for Hillary, though she may pull for Stein. One couple not on the list I ran into had not registered yet and needed to know what they needed to do. So, I have done all I can and the hay is in the barn for me. Fingers crossed for Tuesday. Will attempt not to look at "the latest" constantly between now and then. No real point in it.

EDIT: was not going to go knocking on general doors or doors of Trump supporters and try and convince them, not was that the strategy. I would consider that fruitless at best (not going to convince anyone at this point, other than a discouraged registered Dem), and possibly dangerous at worst. Though, there are just not that many Trumpers/GOP'ers in the neighborhoods I was in, glad to say. Nice, active, outdoor people, with mountain bikes, and pets, kids, yards, some with Tibetan prayer flags, etc. I like where I live.
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Watched Podesta on Meet The Press. From the time I noticed, gee, he sure does say "uh" a lot, and the time I stopped counting, 17 times.
So I just asked my daughters if they wanted to go to the polls with me Tuesday and watch me cast my vote for the first female presidential nominee and they both yelled yes. It got me thinking about the biggest reason to vote for Clinton. There are 2, George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush. Both republicans and could not disagree with Clinton on her political stances more. They both have been president, W for 8 years and H. W. for 4+ years (he was president for a bit after the Reagan assassination attempt). H.W. lost to her husband and Clinton attacked W for years. They both know her personally, despite her being in the public eye for 30 years, none of us know her, we know the media portrayal of her. They both have crossed party lines and said they are voting for her. To me that speaks volumes about the issue we are faced. Neither of them have anything to gain by doing this, they will never run for office and both are set for life.
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