I'm curious as to everyone's thoughts on all the Wikileaks, the DNC leaks, and the O'Keefe videos on Hillary, the DNC, and Washington in general?
I'll bite...
-- Julian Assange is a shite and I don't trust any of the "leaks" filtered through his site, let alone after being "discovered" and filter through any hackers. I don't buy their notion of truth and transparency. I agree with the philosophy to an extent, but I don't trust their motives. Also, some information is not for public consumption. Some choices are made that are difficult to understand or appreciate when you have all of the information and the wherewithal to comprehend that information. It's not about sides, it's about lack of respect for privacy, journalistic values, and safety of many people working in fields where the leaks can compromise their safety and the safety of those around them. Taking wikileaks info as gospel is like only getting your news from Fox or MSNBC...even if you only watched these two, you'd still be missing so much information. And getting information out of context just clouds things.
-- The DNC leaks are bullshit. You'd get at least as bad from the RNC if they were hacked and leaked. You don't run against and try to aspire to the highest office in the land by loving a supporting your competition. Winning in the highest levels of politics is hugely calculated. Being surprised that people had unkind things to say about their competition and trying to figure how to maximize their efforts to win is like all the twits that were surprised by the NSA wire tapping. It's the fucking NSA and we have the Patriot Act AND it's not like they weren't doing it before.
-- Conservative filmmaker James O'Keefe...HUGE, I mean
HUGE fucking anti-liberal agenda and Hillary is just the latest target. Biased out the ass. Next...
--- Lastly I'll tackle a bit on D.C. Washington is a bit of a problem, but I don't care which side of the fence you're on, you can't go in like Mr. Smith and expect to change anything. You can't go in stonewalling any and every bill proposed by the other party. NOTHING gets done without bipartisan support/compromise. This used to work. The leaders in the two parties would meet and get things done. Give and take in a reasonable and rational manner. The "tea party" totally fucked that up. Going in with a blatant anti-liberal neo-Christian agenda in a country supposedly founded on freedom of religion? Total bullshit.
I hate cliches, but if you're not part of the solution, and the tea party and its politicians/candidates sure as fuck aren't, then you're part of the problem. Obstructing government processes isn't helping or changing a damned thing. The tea party has failed at doing anything effectively other than getting some "good" politicians on both side of the isle voted out of their seats and filled with know-nothing asshats that think they can wait out and overcome the left. Now the "left" includes the center and right is scarily fringe.
Other than that, I have no opinions on your proposed topics.