No, for the same reason they think Trump is presidental those ignoramouses not realize the president doesn't get to do that?
No, for the same reason they think Trump is presidental those ignoramouses not realize the president doesn't get to do that?
do those ignoramouses not realize the president doesn't get to do that?
And now, they are looking at a woman for gawd's sake. Damn, need to make 'Murica great again! Let's repeal the 19th A!I don't.
When in the last quarter century have they shown any sort of restraint or sense or cooperation when a Democratic president or Democratic-controlled legislative body has governed effectively? Have they not almost always lied and screamed and thrown themselves on the floor in the perfect imitation of a spoiled two year old's temper tantrum? Have they not riled up their ignorant herd of a base against practically everything Democrat with dire warnings of shit like "Death panels!!" and "Climate Change is a Damn Lie!!" and "Clinton/Obama/Clinton is coming fer yer shootin' irons!" and "Obamaphones!!" and "Voter Frowd!!"? And that last one should have a post-fix of "by the nigras!!"
If Obama had actively used what advantage he had to ram through things we agree with, it would have been proof positive to the hordes of mouthbleating fucktards that ObamaTheKenyanMuslimSocialoFascist Dicktater was ruling with an ahrn fist and gotsta be done rose up aginst!
Despite the fact that not a single one of their bloated, vacant faces has been explodified by a government rifle, not a single one of them was imprisoned for their goddamned flatworm views, and none of their precious, precious guns had been taken away.
Facts do not matter to those with an impacted recto-cranial inversion. The outcry and obstructionism and (god forbid) political violence would have been far, far worse.
Why? Because a black man was telling them what to do.
And now, they are looking at a woman for gawd's sake. Damn, need to make 'Murica great again! Let's repeal the 19th A!
i'm still trying to figure out what "again" means in his slogan. when, exactly is "again"? the 70's......the 60's? the 1800's ?
back when you lynched the folks you didn't like?
what the exact fuck does "make america great AGAIN" mean?
(not expecting an answer...rhetorical question.....but feel free to add your ideas)
i'm still trying to figure out what "again" means in his slogan. when, exactly is "again"? the 70's......the 60's? the 1800's ?
back when you lynched the folks you didn't like?
what the exact fuck does "make america great AGAIN" mean?
(not expecting an answer...rhetorical question.....but feel free to add your ideas)
F*%K him in his cheeto dusted meathead face is my idea.i'm still trying to figure out what "again" means in his slogan. when, exactly is "again"? the 70's......the 60's? the 1800's ?
back when you lynched the folks you didn't like?
what the exact fuck does "make america great AGAIN" mean?
(not expecting an answer...rhetorical question.....but feel free to add your ideas)
So "make great again" is for voters (typically older white folks) who desire a return to an unrealistic idealized idea of what some time in the past was like, and 'hope and change" is for people who would like things to change in some way they feel is better. I guess I cast my lot with those that would prefer to grow and change for better. Even though I am a white guy some might consider middle aged, or even old.I assume the phrase was chosen to lull old white people into a sense of the Regan era.
There is quite a bit that they are blaming Hillary for that has been common practice (for right or wrong) for a long time it seems. It's just now they need something to fuck with her over.You know what kills me about the whole email thing, the Bush administration had a private email server and they deleted 22 million emails. I don't seem to remember that being as big of a deal as these.
These are new leaked emails from Clinton's campaign staff. It's more about their soulless perspectives than anything else. But you spin it how you can.You know what kills me about the whole email thing, the Bush administration had a private email server and they deleted 22 million emails. I don't seem to remember that being as big of a deal as these.
For the same reason they don't make a big deal over the 87 people killed in diplomatic service during the Bush administration. Because that was their guy, and therefore ok.You know what kills me about the whole email thing, the Bush administration had a private email server and they deleted 22 million emails. I don't seem to remember that being as big of a deal as these.
Well, the general statements in the Billy Bush vid may not be actual confessions to specific event, at least that we could identify from the tape (as i understand it. I really don't want to go back and listen to be sure, as it will just make me mad). But it certainly would hurt his credibility regarding his claim that any such printed statements were false. Plus it is just a story about the accusations. The paper does not have to guarantee the accusations are true.Gonna be awfully hard to get past the videotaped confession...
Plus it is just a story about the accusations. The paper does not have to guarantee the accusations are true.
But he doesn't get that. He's proven that he really does not or never did understand what the press does and what journalism really is.
He probably understands it. He just doesn't value it, and probably hates it. He only cares about ratings.