They need to be sat down and made to understand that the lesser of two evils is, in this instance, 10s of millions of fucktons less evil.
Respectfully, this attitude is just as wrong as the ones driving people to actually give any thought to Trump.
Deciding to vote for the "Lesser" of two evils is still...Evil.
The choice is to refuse to vote for either steaming pile of shit. If enough of the voters who say that they are "...unhappy..." with the choices that are foisted upon us by a deaf political party refuse to vote for those choices, then the message will be clear.
The problem is the attitude of: " You are wasting your vote...", " You are giving a vote to (whomever the opponent is...", etc...
I run into this with my wife who is far more conservative than I, a registered republican, is. I have refused to vote for either party since 2000. I was disgusted with how the vote turned out (even though I voted for Bush) and felt that the process had been corrupted to reflect what a few wanted, rather than the majority.
I never felt Gore would have been better ( He is a chump), I just felt that Bush did not reflect the wishes of the people and the whole "Hanging Chad" shit was just...shit.
From that point on I have refused to support either party since they seem incapable of producing a candidate that reflects the views of the majority of the voters. The candidates are reflective of the reactionary mindset of the political parties:
My wife says I am wasting my vote by voting third party, she says that my vote was an implicit vote for Obama. She, and many others, are incapable of seeing just what that vote represents: My refusal to let political parties from either side produce Presidential candidates one would not consider hiring into a position of trust. Or are incapable of doing a good job, they just fit the optics of the party and play into the stupidity of our voters.
Wanna beat the republicans but know HRC won't get the job done? Bring in the black man. Sure way to get the voters to vote for your side.
Wanna beat the current crop of republicans in 2016? Bring in the woman whom you refused to support eight years ago. Why the refusal to support her?
You. Did. Not. Trust.Her
You. Did. Not. Like.Her
She has not changed, she will not change, she is no better than Trump. She just says things you like to hear and Trump does not.
Trump is the Anti-Hillary: The republican well is dry and Trump played on that, and the emotions of people who are tired of one thing or another. He says what many want to hear, he plays upon deep-seated prejudices and, like a puppeteer, pulls the right strings to get the reaction he wants.
From stupid, unthinking voters.
And he plays right into HRC's hands every time he opens his mouth.
This does not make HRC the best choice, this just makes her a bit more desirable, to many, as a candidate. Unfortunately, she is still a steaming pile of shit and unfit to be president. Her best quality is that she is a woman.
And if you tell me she will be a great president, or even better than Trump, then I ask you why you did not vote for her in 2008, but instead threw your vote in for an inexperienced person like Obama, and then tell you that you are full of shit.
She is merely the best smelling pile of shit the Dems could produce. That we have Trump and HRC as viable candidates is more of an indictment upon the voters that anything else. Shame on us.
Shame on us for accepting that the best choice we have is the "Lesser of Two Evils..."
I won't. I have not for more than a decade. A third party candidate is the "Lesser" evil than either of those two.
I hope that one day the majority of voters will stop eating the shit that is being force-fed to us by the Reps and Dems, the Conservatives and the Liberals, etc... and raise a clamor for real leaders. Not just the best minority, or the best bigot.
How about we stop voting for the "Lesser of the Two Evils" and start casting our votes in a manner that sends a message that we are tired of steaming piles of shit. Get enough people to vote for anyone but HRC or Trump (or whomever is the next pile of shit they produce), and it will send a message.
Settling for the "Lesser of Two Evils" just tells them that you will take your shit and eat it in any flavor they serve.
Sorry for the rant...
Wait...No I'm not.