OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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"A group of Black Lives Matter activists temporarily shut down Canada’s largest gay pride parade on Sunday, when they stopped marching until the parade organizers agreed to their demands.

BLM, which was invited to march in the gay-rights celebration as an honorary group, stopped two-thirds of the way down the parade route, began chanting “Shut it down!” and lit several flares.

The parade was stalled for about half an hour, until Toronto Pride Director Mathieu Chantelois, whose group puts on the parade, met with the protesters and signed off on the list of demands.

The demands included an end to police floats at the parade and more spots dedicated to groups representing queer people of color. The BLM demand sheet said Pride Toronto had engaged in “anti-Black racism” by reducing the visibility of gay people of color in the march."


"A group of Black Lives Matter activists temporarily shut down Canada’s largest gay pride parade on Sunday, when they stopped marching until the parade organizers agreed to their demands.

BLM, which was invited to march in the gay-rights celebration as an honorary group, stopped two-thirds of the way down the parade route, began chanting “Shut it down!” and lit several flares.

The parade was stalled for about half an hour, until Toronto Pride Director Mathieu Chantelois, whose group puts on the parade, met with the protesters and signed off on the list of demands.

The demands included an end to police floats at the parade and more spots dedicated to groups representing queer people of color. The BLM demand sheet said Pride Toronto had engaged in “anti-Black racism” by reducing the visibility of gay people of color in the march."


I'd love to live in a world where everyone felt welcome and accepted in everywhere and in everything. Sadly, this will never happen, and we end up with people protesting and being insulted by damn near fucking everything. Does Canada have the militant police shooting minorities problem the US seems to have lately? I didn't think they did. Why can't gay police officers, or even the official police department, have a float in the parade? I guess because some cops are racist, so we should paint all cops with the same brush, you know, kind of like how all black people are....wait, no, nothing like that. Also, I find it hard to imagine a Canadian gay pride parade excluding anyone from participating. I marched in one in redneck Florida last year and it wasn't an issue that I was a straight man participating with his wife and children.

Everyone take a deep fucking breath, have a beer, and relax. Maybe engage in some sort of group hug.
The problem with BLM is that there's no real organization or leadership there. I think that it will have more fire than Occupy Wall Street did, but it suffers similar problems.

After the shooting in Florida, BLM and LGBTQ communities should recognize a common enemy, and that they'd effect political change best by presenting a united front.

And yes; in Toronto, no less.

This was well-intentioned but utterly misguided. Again, lack of leadership, with decisions being made by inexperienced kids.
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