wtf is wrong with people? (rhetorical question, no answer needed)
girl buys a dress for prom that she thinks is pretty and then gets blasted for........wait for it......racism and "cultural appropriation". what the fuck is 'cultural appropriation'? (no, i don't need a definition of it, i need to know why the fuck it exists.)
if i wear a Guiness shirt, am i misappropriating Irish culture?
it's like a whole giant chunk of america/the world are desperately searching for anything they can be mad at.
no fucking wonder we can't get anything fixed in the US.
How a Pretty Prom Dress Helped Reveal Rot in the American Soul
So this is the right place for this.
I don't buy from Sweetwater because the CEO supports politicians I don't agree with. I didn't know that the last time I bought from them, and won't be buying from them again.
This post reminded me of all the Onion articles about church members in the closet. They're too raunchy to post a link, but I find them funny.Hey, look, the extreme self denial/self hate homosexuals are passing laws again. Just step out of the fucking closet and let everyone else go about their lives, assholes.
So this is the right place for this.
I don't buy from Sweetwater because the CEO supports politicians I don't agree with. I didn't know that the last time I bought from them, and won't be buying from them again.
Crap. I was planning on going to gearfest this year. Haven't gone for 10? years. How bad is it? Can I go and not feel bad?
Mueller's former assistant says grammatical errors prove leaked questions came from Trump
Mueller's former assistant says grammatical errors prove leaked questions came from Trump