OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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"Mr. Giuliani is taking a leave of absence, effective today, for an unspecified period of time to handle matters unrelated to the law firm or its clients."

"He will be joining a team negotiating terms of a possible Trump interview with Robert Mueller."

Why does he have to leave his law firm?
Law firms label Trump""WL-WP": won't listen, won't pay.
"Mr. Giuliani is taking a leave of absence, effective today, for an unspecified period of time to handle matters unrelated to the law firm or its clients."

"He will be joining a team negotiating terms of a possible Trump interview with Robert Mueller."

Why does he have to leave his law firm?
because, if he goes down in flames, he doesn't want to take the firm with him, even by association.
Giuliani Partners has international clients, and those clients may have relations with Trump. By separating himself from the firm, he limits the exposure of those relationships.
Social media. Catalyst for shit behavior or just a mirror of our souls? YouTuber Facing Two Years Jail for Feeding Toothpaste Oreos to Homeless Man - Newsweek

Mirror. It's not that social media is fucked up, or the internet is fucked up, it's that people are. Yes, the internet should be regulated. Yes, people should be banned from sites. But also, people fucking suck.
pathological liar:

Ex-Forbes reporter says Trump posed as executive, lied to him to embellish wealth

""He figured out what he had to do in order to deceive me and get onto that list. And he did it very well. And he maintained that persona of just sort of talking about his assets without any sense of debt and lying about it," Jonathan Greenberg said in an interview Friday on CNN's "New Day."
Social media. Catalyst for shit behavior or just a mirror of our souls? YouTuber Facing Two Years Jail for Feeding Toothpaste Oreos to Homeless Man - Newsweek
that reminds of of that duchebag who was in the News a few months back ...youtber by the name of Logan Paul . He videod a dead man who had hanged himself in a forest in Japan. The Logan paul duchebag apparently was a "youtube prankster" who had millions of followers. I read where he was like one of the top grossers money wise from ads. At the time they said he could face losing revenue from 44, 000 to 700,000 dollars each MONTH

that right there is the problem. Youngsters see that kinda lifestyle and potential income and they do whatever to be the next "star"

5 Of The Wildest Revelations In The Comey Memos

memos of former FBI Director James Comey released to congressional leaders provide a trove of insight into President Donald Trump’s priorities and concerns.

They reinforce Trump’s widely reported obsession with pinning down leakers, his desire to protect his own reputation at all costs, and his preoccupation with loyalty. They also reveal snippets of conversation difficult to imagine happening inside the sanctum of the leader of the free world.

Here are some of the nuttiest parts:"
we'll have to see how much traction this gets.

Democratic Party Alleges Trump-Russia Conspiracy in New Lawsuit
  • "The Democratic National Committee opened a new legal assault on President Trump on Friday by filing a lawsuit in federal court alleging that the organization was the victim of a conspiracy by Russian officials, the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks to damage Hillary Clinton’s presidential run.

    The 66-page lawsuit, filed in federal court in New York, assembles the publicly known facts of the investigation into Russia’s election meddling to accuse Mr. Trump’s associates of illegally working with Russian intelligence agents to interfere with the outcome of the election.

    “The conspiracy constituted an act of previously unimaginable treachery: the campaign of the presidential nominee of a major party in league with a hostile foreign power to bolster its own chance to win the presidency,” the D.N.C. wrote in its lawsuit, which was first reported by The Washington Post.

    The Democrats accused Mr. Trump’s campaign of being “a racketeering enterprise” that worked with the Russians and WikiLeaks in a conspiracy that included hacking email servers at the D.N.C. and leaking damaging information to the public. The lawsuit demands monetary damages and a declaration that the defendants conspired to alter the course of the election."
Giuliani Partners has international clients, and those clients may have relations with Trump. By separating himself from the firm, he limits the exposure of those relationships.

Side note: Relations with Trump makes me throw up in my mouth a little.

Speaking of Stormy, couldn't remember if was Daniels or McDaniels, had to Google her, her strip club tour is the MAHA tour. :grin:
we'll have to see how much traction this gets.

Democratic Party Alleges Trump-Russia Conspiracy in New Lawsuit
  • "The Democratic National Committee opened a new legal assault on President Trump on Friday by filing a lawsuit in federal court alleging that the organization was the victim of a conspiracy by Russian officials, the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks to damage Hillary Clinton’s presidential run.

    The 66-page lawsuit, filed in federal court in New York, assembles the publicly known facts of the investigation into Russia’s election meddling to accuse Mr. Trump’s associates of illegally working with Russian intelligence agents to interfere with the outcome of the election.

    “The conspiracy constituted an act of previously unimaginable treachery: the campaign of the presidential nominee of a major party in league with a hostile foreign power to bolster its own chance to win the presidency,” the D.N.C. wrote in its lawsuit, which was first reported by The Washington Post.

    The Democrats accused Mr. Trump’s campaign of being “a racketeering enterprise” that worked with the Russians and WikiLeaks in a conspiracy that included hacking email servers at the D.N.C. and leaking damaging information to the public. The lawsuit demands monetary damages and a declaration that the defendants conspired to alter the course of the election."

So then does Bernie Sanders get to sue the DNC and Hillary on similar grounds?
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