OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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again, boys and girls, you just can't make this kind of shit up :facepalm:
Kris Kobach, Face of Trump’s Voter Fraud Panel, Is Held in Contempt by Judge

"Kris W. Kobach, the secretary of state of Kansas and face of the Trump administration’s efforts to clamp down on supposed voter fraud, was found by a federal judge on Wednesday to have disobeyed orders to notify thousands of Kansans in 2016 that they were registered to vote."

"Mr. Kobach was previously fined $1,000 for his “deceptive conduct and lack of candor” before a federal court. That penalty was upheld by Judge Robinson last year."
Yeah, "fucked up" is quite a generous way to put it.

Not surprised by the massive hypocrisy of this admin, but occasionally it reaches levels that set a new bar in politics, and that's a tall order given the historical record.

Sadly, his base will eat this up like candy while completely ignoring his atrocious misogyny or claiming it's all just a big Liberal Conspiracy with no basis in fact.

The same people who lost their collective shit when Bubba got a BJ in the Oval Office are just fine with Mr. Grab 'em by the pussy paying off the porn stars he's cheated with. The worst offenders of such hypocrisy are the evangelicals. These asshats that are all too willing to praise this cretin and give him a free pass, are the same asshats that blamed Natural Disasters on God punishing America because Billy got a knobber.

president tantrum is at it again

Trump escalates feud with California governor, refuses to pay for National Guard deployment

"President Trump has threatened to upend a tentative agreement between the state of California and federal officials to mobilize National Guard personnel and send them to the Mexican border,
declaring via tweet Thursday that his administration will not pay for the deployment.

Gov. Jerry Brown (D) announced Wednesday evening that his state had reached a deal with the Pentagon and Department of Homeland Security to join the president’s plan for a military reinforcement of the U.S. Border Patrol on the condition that California troops would abstain from immigration-enforcement duties. Brown said he would send up to 400 personnel to focus on fighting drug trafficking and gangs."
Just when I had thought that Matt Bevin had reached a new low in attacking opponents, Hannity says "Hold my beer and watch this"

Hannity claims that Mueller was part of the Whitey Bulger corruption.

Just unbelievable. And the worst part is that Fox viewers will just accept this as fact and any denials from the people involved will just be more proof of the deep state cover up.
apparently McConnell does not speak for everyone (contrary to his opinion)

Grassley on special counsel bill: McConnell's views 'do not govern' his committee

"Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans are plowing ahead with their plan to pass a bill out of the committee that would protect special counsel Robert Mueller, despite Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's vow not to put the measure on the Senate floor."

"Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, an Iowa Republican, put the bill on his committee's agenda for a markup Thursday, which under the panel's rules means it will it will come before the committee next week.
Grassley said that he was unconcerned about McConnell's vow that he wouldn't bring the bill to the floor, saying it was irrelevant to his committee's work."
Just when I had thought that Matt Bevin had reached a new low in attacking opponents, Hannity says "Hold my beer and watch this"

Hannity claims that Mueller was part of the Whitey Bulger corruption.

Just unbelievable. And the worst part is that Fox viewers will just accept this as fact and any denials from the people involved will just be more proof of the deep state cover up.


I keep telling myself that I can't let things beyond my control like this piss me off. But it's hard.
"trump allies worried cohen will flip"

if no crimes have been committed why are they worried??

note that he rarely says "NO OBSTRUCTION......NO OBSTRUCTION......NO OBSTRUCTION" ?
That's really swinging for the fences in terms of deflection. Clearly Sean is not versed in the subtleties of the game. All you've got to do is get on base. It takes big balls to publicly accuse/slander a guy who can wreck you in spectacular fashion just by making a few calls and signing a warrant. Libel is a dangerous game in any event, but going that route with someone in a high ranking DOJ position is pretty asking for stopping by Bankruptcy Court on your way to prison.

What a dipshit.
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