OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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Yes, this has been confirmed. He really said all of this gibberish.

have you ever noticed how in almost every single PICTURE of the prez, at least 97.6 percent of the photos anyway....the motherfucker looks like he is sucking a blowjob! ...My dad says he looks like he has an asshole for a mouth but I always say he looks like he's giving a blowjob.....these are the conversations me and dad have about the prez on the phone : o
have you ever noticed how in almost every single PICTURE of the prez, at least 97.6 percent of the photos anyway....the motherfucker looks like he is sucking a blowjob! ...My dad says he looks like he has an asshole for a mouth but I always say he looks like he's giving a blowjob.....these are the conversations me and dad have about the prez on the phone : o
As Putin's personal cock holster, expect no less.

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There's no money in breast feeding, but there's plenty of money in baby formula, and therefore the backers of this position. Follow the money.

Discrete breastfeeding is sadly shunned in the US, which is mind boggling. What could be more natural and healthy for an infant?
boobs......boobs can not be seen, in any tiny part, in public.
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The breastfeeding thing is just awful. A fine example of why representative democracy doesn't work. Your representatives are being bribed by corporations. Corporations care about their profits and not much else. They have demonstrated countless times that profit is more important than human health, this is just the latest disgusting example of it. I would express my outrage and hope someone would do something about it, but the US government has all the integrity and reliability of a 5 dollar crack whore these days. Only way to get them to do the right thing is for someone to form a pro-boob super pac and donate election cash.
The breastfeeding thing is just awful. A fine example of why representative democracy doesn't work. Your representatives are being bribed by corporations. Corporations care about their profits and not much else. They have demonstrated countless times that profit is more important than human health, this is just the latest disgusting example of it. I would express my outrage and hope someone would do something about it, but the US government has all the integrity and reliability of a 5 dollar crack whore these days. Only way to get them to do the right thing is for someone to form a pro-boob super pac and donate election cash.

and we have the most corrupt, greedy, grifter, con-man in the US in charge of it all.
a visa.....a country for a visa

Hold up...

Let's circle back to this whole b00bs SuperPac thing.

I'm in. How do I contribute?

chill out, dude. you don't get to touch or see any boobs by joining. [laughing]

oh yea, not related but.....where the hell are the smilies?? [mad]
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