This is the problem with the ultra-partisan politics these days. The fact that all Republicans have to be flag-waving, bible-thumping right-wingers and all Democrats have to be bleeding-heart liberals else face the prospect of getting primaried means that the sort of cross-the-aisle friendships and cooperation that used to be the norm has have become almost impossible. As a result, the reaction of each party to any news story is totally predictable and totally based on making “their side” look right and the “other side” look evil, stupid, or un-American.
This is not what a healthy political society looks like. I knew it was in the terminal phase when those old-time, commie-hating GOPers fell into line over how wonderful Trump is for meeting Kim. Can you imagine their reaction if Obama had done that? I mean, pre-emptively canceling military exercises without consulting our allies? Impeachment proceedings would have been instantly initiated...