Meatus McPrepuce
Hey everyone so I just wanted to clear something up becuase its been a thing my whole life and it just keeps happening. My name is Reginald. OR is it?? No wait yes it is. But also people call me Reggie for some reason and I don’t even know why. Like where does that even come from??? Randall? I’m not Randall. Never been Randall. I knew a Randall once though, he worked at a car wash and always talked about how he could do a backflip but I never saw him do one. Anyway. So yeah my name is Randall but people keep calling me Reggie like I walked up and introduced myself that way. Which I didn’t. I don’t even look like a Reggie. If you lined up ten people and said “guess which one’s Reggie” NO ONE would pick me. I don’t know what that means but I stand by it. Also one time a guy called me Reginald, which is at least closer, but still wrong. You ever just meet someone and they immediatly get your name wrong but then just keep going with it like THEY decided your name now? That happens to me all the time. One time at a monster truck rally this guy in front of me had a cowboy hat that was way too small for his head and when I pointed it out he just said "yeah." Like that was a normal thing to say. Anyway I figured I should post about it becuase it keeps happening. Like if one person did it sure whatever but at this point I feel like I’m in a prank show no ones told me about. But I just roll with it now. So yeah if you see me around and wanna say hi you can call me Reginald. But apparently you can also just call me whatever and society says thats fine too. Thanks for reading this I guess. Also does anyone know if monster trucks have horns? I never heard one honk.