My archtop build

Mark, sorry I missed this post earlier.
I would consider it an honor...proceed sir!:lol:

Cool! Since it's such a long and detailed build I figured we could make it a long running feature...maybe on Mondays...I'll do the first one now!
Quartered, split sitka spruce wedges which have been edged on the jointer & glued together for the top plate.

They were considerably thicker than required, so I brought them down to the 1" spec required with the safety planer.

Flipped it over & used the long sanding board to smooth & flatten the edges that will glue to the sides, before proceeding with the carving opperation

Quite a bit of material to remove before the arching templates fit precisely.

Once the outer & inner shaping is complete, I laid out the plate centerline & calculated the bridge center line as well for reference in laying out the F hole positions.

Cut the F holes with a coping saw & dressed the edges with flat & round sanding sticks.
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