Animal Psychic
yes, that was it
I thought he spelled it ChikinPox? Anyways, he was a cool dude.
Ahhh yeah Smokey, not Stoney! He was cool
The ape/simian guy is sorta tickling a bell in the back of my head and is going to drive me nuts... Vikipaaaaydia
Reminds me of NoArrowDann
Who was the tall, vegan guy who posted in GJ a lot, moderated the 'Backstage With The Band' forum, was into The Cure and stuff like that, then got really into Ghost?
Who was the tall, vegan guy who posted in GJ a lot, moderated the 'Backstage With The Band' forum, was into The Cure and stuff like that, then got really into Ghost?
I think I know who you're talking about, he was in a band called Snakes in Southern Flames. And he had some friends who were shot by Anders Breivik.![]()
NoArrowDann's band did a great cover of 'Interstellar Overdrive'.
I liked Grisnackh, he was hugely into rockabilly, and he also made a couple of super cryptic allusion to smoking weed at night outdoors in his neighborhood that made people erroneously believe he was a peeping tom. Something like 'So I waited until it had became really dark before venturing outside to do That Which I Cannot Name in the lane behind my neighbor's house...'
Forumites would be like 'is that the creep who jerks off looking through his female neigbours windows after dark?'
Sounds like Actionsquid. Also enamored of Madonna and field roast vegan sausage.
Nice fella. I didn't remember that about Brevik.
Yeah, he had some highly entertaining stories, which I sadly can't recall at the moment. I do remember he worked at an old folks home. NAD was a character and easily one of my favorite musicians from this whole milieu.
Who was the guy who lived near you in Kent?
I was trying to think of him. He went to school in Norwich and would report on Jason Knowles' wherebouts from time to time after he dropped off GJ. Fashion jam regular. His cousin made a super well known and critically beloved album that I can't bother to look up right now.
That's the one! He was a real nice guy. He and his gf (wife?) really adored their cats.
Yeah, I wish I could remember his moniker.
That was goodusername, and he was a top bloke. I used to sometimes call in to see him on the way home from work.
Yeah, his cousin is Burial, aa far as I recall.
The Norwegian guy's name was something to do with a Hamster or Gerbil iirc.
I think he was based in Oslo as I noted it as I was travelling there for work regularly then but never met up with the guy.
Wasn't that the kickfuck brigade.
ritchierobbins....didn't he live near the sea and have great pics of lounging on the beach? A chill forumite for sure.
Was that crab Cakes that started that?Dear [Korean girl]...
Was that crab Cakes that started that?
Who was the guy who did the Eruption guitar-off and came up with a surf version?
was that Uma?