Kaitlin Olson, yay or nay?


I'm not sure where I stand on this. When I first saw her on "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia", I thought she was pretty hot, and of course, a good comedic actress as well and that is not really in question. There are a lot of scenes where she can look pretty rough though, so I go back and forth on the hotness level.

So she's in a new show called "The Mick" on Fox. I caught the premier the other night, and the debate continues for me. Some scenes she looks really good, and others very rough. However, there were several scenes of her in a bikini in/around the pool that put her back into the hot category for me.

What say you?

I'm torn. Some angles don't work for me. If she smiles big, I'm in, but there's this small quirky smile she does that I don't like at all. Not sure I can put my finger on it exactly but it bugs me.

In general though, hot.
I'm torn. Some angles don't work for me. If she smiles big, I'm in, but there's this small quirky smile she does that I don't like at all. Not sure I can put my finger on it exactly but it bugs me.

In general though, hot.
Haha, see....that's pretty much exactly where I'm at. It's almost like that Seinfeld episode where he had that girlfriend that looked really good in some lighting, and really scary in others.
I always though she was hawt in IASIP I think part of it was her character in the show though. Google images does nothing for me though :embarrassed:
She looks hot in the above pic but I've never watched any shows that she has been in. I will now though.
She looks hot in the above pic but I've never watched any shows that she has been in. I will now though.
It's always sunny in Philadelphia was one of the greatest shows ever. The characters and the writing were just awesome...funny , funny stuff it was....god dammnit!

She's fucking hilarious, so that's pretty attractive in and of itself.
All things considered, I'd put her solidly in the "would" category.
Funny lady and her Always Sunny character resembles a highly respected colleague of mine in looks and goof-ballness.