Well, reitze! That's wonderful, having a patent pending. That makes you part of history, inventions and modern infrastructure.
A huge congratulations!
But let me remind you, my first online post about my guitar stated I was hoping to inspire other musicians,
and was giving my inventions away.
Despite the hater and sincere criminal attempts to portray me as a mental out-patient, thief and liar,
and that's not being suspected of trolling or jackbooting various domains and threads, when you can take that for granted,
I just kept doin'it as much as I could, getting a camera and scanner to pump up my online output, input for you, I hope.
It got to where even though I was volunteering all my input, others thought I had to be someone else famous,
trying to create an online sensation with special effects.
Uh.... real life... the legalities... not available for me... and that's where you've surpassed me, getting all offical about it.
I'm protected as far as being the inventor, builder and player, seeing that as part of my general lifestyle,
but it's not an ambition of mine. Call me unambitious about it, or overwhelmed by just having it, but I'm totally cool with all that.
Eternally cool.
And for all the "predicaments", and that's predicaments as from predictable, that I get into online, defending my Canadianess,
let me be completely open and honest with you about my limited online use.
I've got a contact, almost a friend, through online, a New York advertising executive who has a jazz magazine, online too,
and he comes to Canada to host a jazz radio show, easy to meet up with for me.
But I'm not doing anything that way, thinking he is a New Yorker, heavy, heavy into jazz, and my guitar is still more Jimi style.
I see this gentleman is now emphasizing his involvement with modern pop and rock, including them more now, so that looks better for me.
But I'm just sitting on it, just like the invitation to call the local cable t.v. when I'm onstage next. I want them to be about my guitar,
and me playing it.
It's not easy for me to get into a self-promotional headspace, about my guitar or me. I'm just used to being onstage as the lead guitarist.
So I am sitting on patent applications, t.v. exposure and potential gigs. Not sitting on top of the world, but carving out a path to get there.
And, reitze, even though I'm more about my guitar and my past musical experience, and that includes The Jimi Hendrix Experience,
wait until you hear me start playing it. That's when I want to be truly, artistically innovative. More than anything, I'm an electric guitarist.
That's not a slam against you, a working, successful suburbanite, a man with a wife and family, what I don't have, why I keep music going.
So I'm not going to hit it with a big musical production video, even though I could.
I'm thinking that when I'm there, it's some of my guitar, some of my playing, some of my songs, some of my stage presence.
And hopefully, I'll be selling C.D.'s at the end of the night, a souvenir of the live performance you just, uh, went through. (experienced?)
I heard the Axis, and stood listening in front of it, while Jimi was playing, while his roadies were watching and turning those
home-made controls.
Yeah! You're home-made, and so am I. Let's not lose those words, which, like some of those words, as my friend Ron Sexsmith sings,
are words we never use.
As detrimental to others ordinary understanding as it may show to be, from now on, starting this new decade, ten years late of the new millennium,
over sixty years after the first Fender Stratocaster production, over forty years after Jimi last played one, from now on,
when I type Stratocaster and Les Paul I refer to the original, rock changing guitars, the '60-'64 Fender Stratocaster, and '57-'58 Gibson Les Paul.
I'm naming those templates of design and manufacture as standards of electric guitar instruments.
No more Strat-style. I'm calling apples apples and black cherries black cherries.
Someone has to clean up north american manufacturing and the appreciation of existing design and musical tradition,
for the betterment of all, globally and online.
I'm sure your patent application had to be very specific. Why aren't manufacturers and advertisers?
Rant off!