I'm glad ......
, you need clothing that defines a new image....
My bicycle. I've got to clean it up before I take some pictures.
I'd have to take a break and get away from this if I want another option.
But I'll wait to see what you think. I feel pushy with it....
I hope this doesn't worm into your brain and interfere with your thought processes.
I'm editing to say I'm surprised this went through. I've exceeded character limits before, as always.
Gosh John I don't think I "NEED" all that name/image stuff. Why do have you "got to clean it [your] up before [you] take some pictures"? Perhapse if you're thinking I'd be some sort of music sensation I've never been after than m'self. If one of the videos goes top-40 that's fine too but I'm not holding my breath.
I do appreciate beautiful things but no I don't fancy myself a beauty queen with the golden-perfect image.
{Quote from another thread}
ellengtrgrl... such a nice user name to read, made an important point.
She was talking about the respect symphonic instruments have built in.
I had a girl-friend who was a bassoonist for The Ottawa Symphony,
and The Ottawa Symphony Orchestra, Ottawa being Canada's capital.
It was incredible seeing instruments like that up close.
You knew they were hand made, but they looked so precise, and the sounds!
Some times the instrument stayed with the seat, and the player inherited use.
Often times an instrument stayed in a family, along with the symphony seat.
For all the seemingly casual or event driven appearances of a symphony,
these players are making huge, huge money as a salary.
Being able to play a fine instrument does improve your ability right away.
That's the reaction I enjoy the most when others try my guitar, even upside down.
They look up right away, this is balanced being the most heard response.
This is so easy to play, being the other.
Adjusting the strings, adjusting the neck, finding proper intonation?
Having electronics with proper flow and magnetic disbursement?
....shhh... shhhhh.... acoustics.... yeah.... they exist.....
If you don't know what it is you're not just gonna buy it.
ellengtrgrl... I've been reading your semi-lengthy and very informative narratives for a while,
and you seem like a formidable player and a nicely experienced guitar enthusiast.
I also enjoy and appreciate ellengtrgrl perspectives.
The musicians that get to play those instruments that are kept under lock/key have to practice on something... and in the guitar world there's mobility to consider more than most instruments. I do like your articulation of the finer music qualities of instruments which give mucians opportunities to play better (or not... depending on what it is sometimes they're harder as in some famous trumpets). So I think you spoke it well.
In this context I think both our guitar concepts deliver greatly on those points. Yours in the fine electrified acoustic qualities and workmanship luthier image-stuff. Mine are the sound one gets out of something that goes with them... like an acoustic but with the expanded capabilities of electrification. The primary differences are in the needs of the musician. And on that level there are definitely times when I'd prefer my flute!
OK so all this image-talk got me thinking "Have You Seen The Sheen". BTW I finally found 1 song on youtube with >100K views about GOM but that was only 1 and all the rest were below 1000 and I had to use the word song in the search string to find ANY. Not providing the music category filter-option in searches really sucks. Anyway, just did this song thinking the image and the GOM and the sheen..
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