I am just not a Zeppelin fan

I was on the fence for a long time. Two things pushed me to the negative, don't like ;em side.

1. Making out with a girl in high school and Cashmere came on the radio. While our lips are locked, she starts humming a long. It was weird.
2. See "The Song Remains The Same" and the theater is filled with drunk beer drinking stoners acting really stupid and obnoxious. I may have partook in the same things but this crowd was over the top.

All that said, I love "Heartbreaker." I just do. And the Black Crowes/Jimmy Page record is great.

Kashmir, it's not a sweater, it's the influence. Also "along", it's a word.

maybe you should have concentrated more on your studies instead of making out with weird girls humming Kashmir.
I like Zep a lot, but certain songs of theirs have been so overplayed that I'll change the station. But I will never turn off "Since I Been Lovin' You" and "Gallows Pole." I have a deep and abiding love for those songs.

Yep, overplay ruins everything. Fortunately I don't listen to classic rock stations. Sometimes I have to not listen to something for 5-10 years and suddenly go on a kick where I replay all the old albums. I've been off the jazz for a few years and feel the need to start playing some of the classic hard bop albums again.
The Zep are a pretty dumb band and Jimmy Page is not really a good person in terms of documented behavior. But dear lord, they did that thing better than anyone ever did it. I don’t really like myself when I consider how much I actually dig Zeppelin, but they’re the dark lords of the classic rock parking lot.
The Zep are a pretty dumb band and Jimmy Page is not really a good person in terms of documented behavior. But dear lord, they did that thing better than anyone ever did it. I don’t really like myself when I consider how much I actually dig Zeppelin, but they’re the dark lords of the classic rock parking lot.

Is this the forward to your classic rock history book?
Is this the forward to your classic rock history book?

It’s in his memoir. He heard the wind cry “Mary!” in his dreams. But this Mary was no Mary Lou to wave a friendly “hello!” Indeed, this was no proud Mary, but a broken one. He’d wake up in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat, with something deep inside him compelling him to recite 27 Hail Marys before he could breathe again.
Not a fan. Was cool when I first heard them eons ago. Now they like many other bands the music to me has been over saturated.
Kashmir, it's not a sweater, it's the influence. Also "along", it's a word.

maybe you should have concentrated more on your studies instead of making out with weird girls humming Kashmir.
Thanks for your corrections. I am forever improved. Led Zeppelin still sucks.
A great many of my favorite bands are heavily influenced by the Zep, and JPJ produced some of my favorite records, so I am grateful for them.

However, you'll never catch me listening to them on purpose.
I was away for the weekend. Skiing and biking up at Redfish lake. I thought about it some more, and came to the conclusion that in the right context, in the right mood, I can enjoy a song or two. Maybe Evermore. And a couple off Presence, as I never listened or heard that one before, other than through the Dogtown and Z-boys soundtrack. So not as burned out. That said, just not me choice, though I certainly can recognize and understand the impact and influence.
I was away for the weekend. Skiing and biking up at Redfish lake. I thought about it some more, and came to the conclusion that in the right context, in the right mood, I can enjoy a song or two. Maybe Evermore. And a couple off Presence, as I never listened or heard that one before, other than through the Dogtown and Z-boys soundtrack. So not as burned out. That said, just not me choice, though I certainly can recognize and understand the impact and influence.

Now let's argue about Deep Purple. Go!
Instantly forgettable except for Ritchie Blackmore fetishists.

They had a great and underrated rhythm section. Made in Europe is evidence of this. And Glen Hughes the bassist actually had the best vocals.

song starts at 2:34
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They had a great and underrated rhythm section. Made in Europe is evidence of this. And Glen Hughes the bassist actually had the best vocals.

I really like California Jam, and Purple may have been the last big-name rock band that was willing and able to settle into a groove, but Hughes consistently managed to bury his fine bass playing by fuzzing it up and competing for space in the crowded mid-range.
I really like California Jam, and Purple may have been the last big-name rock band that was willing and able to settle into a groove, but Hughes consistently managed to bury his fine bass playing by fuzzing it up and competing for space in the crowded mid-range.

Yes and he played a Rick 4001 which had a real midrange sound. But his sound live was much better than the recordings reveal. I was at that performance at Cal Jam right up front.
Yes and he played a Rick 4001 which had a real midrange sound. But his sound live was much better than the recordings reveal. I was at that performance at Cal Jam right up front.

What's even worse is that the video didn't pick up the Rick at all, showing a very 70s natural Fender P instead.

I like Zep a lot, but certain songs of theirs have been so overplayed that I'll change the station.

This.... for me I LOVE "Immigrant Song" . It also goes for other great bands that are ridiculously overplayed. U2, Peter Frampton... Jeez who knew the guy made more music than the 3 songs off FCA. Certainly not radio programmers. Boston.... I lave this band and have from the start. I doubt anyone outside the fans know they made music outside of Third Stage because it never gets airplay.