cats crack me up

Last night I heard a loud crash, followed by about 30 seconds of unidentifiable ruckus from the from room. I came to investigate what sort of demonic destruction had been perpetrated by the cats but didn't immediately see anything.

Perplexed, I returned my my office to finish putting together set lists .

A few minutes later, my little Han Solo buddy (our rescue kitty that was a feral kitten and got attacked by a dog as a newborn, and has some permanent nerve damage in his rear legs) appeared out of the corner of my eye... soaking wet, shivering, and furiously trying to groom himself.


I grabbed a towel and wrapped him up and went looking for what he had spilled, knocked over... whatever.

Still nothing. I was baffled.

Then, I saw it.

The water in the 55 gallon fish tank was murky, the plastic lid/cover was at the bottom of the tank.

Poor little guy had fallen into the giant fish tank, and that 30 seconds of ruckus was obviously the sound of him frantically trying to get out. Since he can't feel his left rear leg, he has a really hard time climbing things.

I felt terrible, like a bad parent. He was scared shitless.

I don't think he'll get on top of the fish tank again though.

Poor little guy.
