Bringin' the stupid on the Internetz - other forums


Noted duckfat enthusiast
So, I like reddit. (yeah, yeah) Thought I'd drop into their guitar forum and mind blown. The level of ignorance there was staggering: noobs being 'wisely counseled' by 'grizzled vets' to not bother learning to set up their own instruments; that 'probably the best brand of guitar for a beginner is Epiphone'; it went on and on.

And really, let's not mention what became of HC.

All of this really amazed me, given that TGP, TDPRI, TalkBass, heck Squier-Central ....all have people who are well informed, knowledgeable, friendly, generous.

I don't get it. Anyone else here look at some of these other forums and just ... cringe?
My answer is no. This is the only music based forum I frequent..

I also don't see what's wrong with suggesting Epiphone for a beginner. It's always been my understanding that 99.5% of people that begin to learn an instrument don't stick with it. I began on an old Sears piece of shit at the age of 13 that my Mom bought for my Dad because Dad THOUGHT he wanted to learn guitar even though he couldn't carry a tune in a bucket. To his credit though he does LOVE music and was one of the reasons I got it. As I upgraded in guitars I really appreciated the quality. I always thought it was cool when I'd go to somebody's house and an old guitar was just sitting there waiting to be played.

Edit....Here's that old Sears crap being played at a house party with two broken strings...

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At this point, troll culture runs so deep that whenever I see bad advice or whatever online, I assume there is some spotty 15 year old giggling about it and showing his online friends. The Information Age is over.
Yeah, the net is full of crazy people posting garbage information. I get a kick out of it sometimes, but I don't care enough to actually comment to the contrary. Yep, you need a 100 watt tube amp with a 4x12 to move enough air to have your clean sound cut through the mix. lol. I suppose that is true if you are playing a state fair main stage.
What Chicken Man said. I stay away from other forums. I'll go into them to read up on advice, for I stance the Samba forums for old VW parts and fix questions, but I don't really post much at all.

Hell, if I wanted to be trolled by 12 year olds I would just play COD on line.
So, I like reddit. (yeah, yeah) Thought I'd drop into their guitar forum and mind blown. The level of ignorance there was staggering: noobs being 'wisely counseled' by 'grizzled vets' to not bother learning to set up their own instruments; that 'probably the best brand of guitar for a beginner is Epiphone'; it went on and on.

And really, let's not mention what became of HC.

All of this really amazed me, given that TGP, TDPRI, TalkBass, heck Squier-Central ....all have people who are well informed, knowledgeable, friendly, generous.

I don't get it. Anyone else here look at some of these other forums and just ... cringe?

I do look at TGP ("The Gear Polishers") and cringe.

From what I understand, Reddit attracts a younger demographic so you're not going to get guys who've been playing for decades. But, you might get guys who are more tuned in to what's happening now in terms of music and what gear's available and how to use it. I'm sure you get BS advice over there, but I read some stunningly dumb shit on HC back in the day, too (when the first sub-$1K Jazzmasters became available you wouldn't believe the amount of ignorance floating around about those things, and a lot of it persists today).

And yeah, I think Epiphone makes a quality product- I'd have been happy to have an Epi for my first guitar. I picked up a no-brainer deal on an Epi SG yesterday with intention of flipping it later (shhh, don't tell anybody), and it plays just as well as my Gibby Special Faded. I also have a Casino that's a really nice axe.

But yeah, those whippersnappers need to stay the hell off our lawns!
Yep, you need a 100 watt tube amp with a 4x12 to move enough air to have your clean sound cut through the mix. lol. I suppose that is true if you are playing a state fair main stage.
I was able to make it happen at the county fair this summer with my MESA 5:25 Express running as a 2x12. It was barely enough, but I managed. :rolleyes:
I belong to several, one of which is TDPRI. I will post a thing or two but the forum has gone to a direction that keeps me away for a few weeks at a time. Also belong to a few acoustic sites, ditto to those as well. And finally, HC where my count is about 30 and TGP where my count is less than 10. I usually visit more for seeking information that I can't as well constructive reviews. FWIW, most reviews are bunk as the bottom line is the product really needs to be your own hands. What works for one in a You Tube may not work for you at all because your style of playing is much different than that demonstrator. However you can at least get a general idea.

As for a beginner's guitar, it all depends on the purchaser and how much that they want to invest.
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I've not used Reddit really much at all. HC is like the blind leading the blind anymore. I still go there occasionally, but mostly for laughs and to annoy the mods. I used to frequent TGP, but not lately. If I need advice, I'll usually just come here or use one of the brand-specific forums like Offset Guitars, Hamer Fan Club, Guild Talk or the like.

I guess this place is just my kind of stupid.

As far as Epi's as beginner guitars, if someone's looking for a Gibson style guitar, I could think of worse. Curious what you would recommend, OP.
I got one of those cool cream 3 pickup SGs for my 16th birthday.

I spray painted it blue :facepalm:
My answer is no. This is the only music based forum I frequent..

I also don't see what's wrong with suggesting Epiphone for a beginner. It's always been my understanding that 99.5% of people that begin to learn an instrument don't stick with it. I began on an old Sears piece of shit at the age of 13 that my Mom bought for my Dad because Dad THOUGHT he wanted to learn guitar even though he couldn't carry a tune in a bucket. To his credit though he does LOVE music and was one of the reasons I got it. As I upgraded in guitars I really appreciated the quality. I always thought it was cool when I'd go to somebody's house and an old guitar was just sitting there waiting to be played.

Edit....Here's that old Sears crap being played at a house party with two broken strings...


Vintage Trailer Park Boys?
I do cringe a bit when I see the kind of recommendations people throw out on Reddit. The guitar pedals subreddit is enjoyable but there's a huge Strymon fetish which gets a bit tedious when everyone has the same pedalboard. I get it, guys, you have an Altoids tin.

The correct and objectively accurate answer to most of these questions is that a beginner should get one of those Squier Classic Vibe guitars & a Yamaha THR-10 practice amp. There are some who would disagree, but those people are wrong.

And really, let's not mention what became of HC.

I don't get it. Anyone else here look at some of these other forums and just ... cringe?

It's got to be going on a decade since it happened but I still, maybe once a year, remember derivicus going nuts about someone's cool custom guitar having 'unaligned pickup rings' and have a good chuckle.
I visit TDPRI mostly for technical info on partscaster building, finishing, etc. The social part of it ok, but not as much fun as you guys. Mark has gifted us with the best place for musicians to hang IMO.
Gretsch Talk is a nice place with friendly knowledgeable people. Esp if you are into Gretsches and the amps that love them.
HC is worthless other than the half doz idiots still on OJ, or if you wanna rant in PP and feed those trolls.
Ultimate Guitar is an endless source of horrible advice. It’s extreme metal all the time. People recommend the fifty-watt 6505 combo as a bedroom amp so much it’s become an in joke.
Ultimate Guitar is an endless source of horrible advice. It’s extreme metal all the time. People recommend the fifty-watt 6505 combo as a bedroom amp so much it’s become an in joke.
It always come up on my Google searches when I'm looking for something specific musically. I've learned to ignore UG. Not much useful content for sure.
I used to use HC, the mis information and bullshit was immense. I dont like learners being given duff information and used to point out the bullshiters. I got warned many times for not being mr nice guy so I dont bother any more. I have a lurk occasionally, same crap from the same people all swinging their dicks.
I've always wondered why the MAPS sub-forum here isn't nearly as big as it was over on HC idn_smilie