Anyone here day trade Cryptocurrency?

Do we have any people here holding:

Ripple Labs (XRP)?
Cardano (ADA)?

XRP is one of my oldest holdings and ADA is one of my largest.
I've got ADA, BTC, ETH and DOGE.

ADA is doing great, new all time high again this morning and I'm almost up a buck per coin. Still waiting for the others to get back to where I bought them but they have been rallying.

I'll likely buy more ADA and ETH soon, maybe some XRP.

My friend always talks about liking Ripple just because of Sanford And Son!

I've got ADA, BTC, ETH and DOGE.

ADA is doing great, new all time high again this morning and I'm almost up a buck per coin. Still waiting for the others to get back to where I bought them but they have been rallying.

I'll likely buy more ADA and ETH soon, maybe some XRP.

Be careful (everyone be careful) not to fall for any of the free ADA giveaway scams. They typically have a video of Charles Hoskinson talking and there are offers in text saying things to the effect of "send 2000 ADA and get 4000 ADA". The sites referenced in the texts and videos are often quite authentic such as ADA-CONTRACT.INFO or similar.

The only way to get free ADA is to stake the ADA that you already have. Pretty easy if you use EXODUS wallet. There is one called Yaori wallet too that is supposed to be good but I use EXODUS wallet for staking ADA. Lots of security items to keep track of & to keep safe like passwords and whatnot but earning ADA just by holding ADA? Too easy to not participate in.

My opinions (everybody has them!):

ETH will likely surpass its previous high by mid to late September but in the outside chance that it doesn't, the next time it pumps will be big. There is just so much happening on Ethereum right now.

BTC may have a tougher time getting to its previous high but it's not a bad idea to hold it.

ADA might really take off if the Smart Contracts come to fruition in September as has been stated. Quite a few affiliations for a platform which isn't actually working at the moment.

DOGE is still a mystery to me so I can't offer too much of an opinion but on the bright side, it could be adopted by something widespread or it could merge or be bought by another company in the space which may work in holders' favor - who knows? It could end up as nothing or it could just middle around for ages. So hard to tell in this case.
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Things are very likely to be quite bumpy... after all, it's the crypto market.

Don't let the pumps get you too high and don't let the drops pull you down.

When it goes down just wait it out.
When it goes down just wait it out.

I'm up from getting in around Easter but I'min long term so it's irrelevant what it's doing week / month / year just now.

My best mate is visiting from Madrid. We went for a few beers and someone mentioned my crypto - much like my cooking, as opposed to shoving shit in an oven or microwave, it's a point of humour for my brother and pals.

His response: "oh I've got some too. I've not got a clue what I'm doing, my Irish pal in work just told me to buy some and tells me what to buy and some jargon now and again - PUMP AND DUMP BABY"

:grin: :embarrassed:

I don't know how much but his biggest chunk is in Cardano.
Huh, interesting day today. I haven't checked the news, anyone know what/who caused that big drop?

El Salvador announced BTC would become legal tender in the country.

Maybe people panicking that it becoming more widespread with more people holding will devalue it? I dunno. Doesn't make much sense to me but I'll be buying more now that it's down a bit.
There's only so much available so I really don't think that an announcement like that affects the price in that manner. If a big country announced that they would be adopting it, I think that could push the price up.

I think the downturn is just a typical pull back after a while of running pretty hot.

I'm looking at potentially getting more XRP since it dropped or maybe more in the ETH ETF that I bought.

Don't gamble guys - I mean gamble if you can afford to and gamble if you want to but otherwise...don't. HA!
One of the things that likely caused a lot of sell off is leverage trading and people's long positions being sold off. Some exchanges will give you different amounts of leverage to trade.

Say I have 10 ETH and an exchange offers 10 X ETH leverage trading. I can trade that ETH like it is 100 ETH. Now if I do that and then go to sleep with no automatic stop losses activated, and the long positions on BitCoin get sold while I am snoring, affecting the price of everything to the downside 10%, then I just lost 10% of the total value of 100 ETH before the drop. But in this example, I only actually own 10 ETH.

What's 10% of 100?
That's 10. So in this scenario I lost more than I had.

Thankfully, this is an entirely fictional scenario and I have never done anything like it.

Bottom line: don't trade on leverage. It's advanced and you can lose everything,.
Not any action on this thread for a while and certainly lots happened since the last post as well... big recovery in the market, all kinds of developments regarding the SEC vs Ripple case, prigress on the ETF front, more institutional involvement, etc.

Anyway, this is something that doesn't matter to me because I don't understand NFTs enough to invest anything into them (at least at this point) and I don't use Twitter. Many people do use Twitter though and it is possible that the Twitter 'tipping' thing could evolve into a fully fleshed-out payment system.

The crypto skeptics won't find this interesting but I think some of the people who aren't skeptics will likely find this video interesting - the guy in the video is a guy who works in the Ethereum ecosystem and has a unique perspective from the technical side rather than from the 'investor' or 'speculative' sides of things.

This video may be of interest as well:

It is from yesterday and is a daily (Monday to Friday) crypto 'geek' round table sort of discussion. They always touch on things from the market on the day but this one is particularly interesting because they talk about a huge hack in 2012 which caused many people to lose their BitCoin.

Also of note is that the guy in the green border is the owner of the channel and he has lived the stereotypical crypto life of going from not being able to pay his bills to being quite wealthy (and yes, even took delivery of his Lamborghini last week).
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Is Tether a Ponzi scheme

Tether is what’s come to be known in financial circles as a stablecoin—stable because one Tether is supposed to be backed by one dollar. But it’s actually more like a bank. The company that issues the currency, Tether Holdings Ltd., takes in dollars from people who want to trade crypto and credits their digital wallets with an equal amount of Tethers in return. Once they have Tethers, people can send them to cryptocurrency exchanges and use them to bet on the price of Bitcoin, Ether, or any of the thousands of other coins. And at least in theory, Tether Holdings holds on to the dollars so it can return them to anyone who wants to send in their tokens and get their money back. The convoluted mechanism became popular because real banks didn’t want to do business with crypto companies, especially foreign ones.


Featured in Bloomberg Businessweek, Oct. 11, 2021. Subscribe now.
Exactly how Tether is backed, or if it’s truly backed at all, has always been a mystery. For years a persistent group of critics has argued that, despite the company’s assurances, Tether Holdings doesn’t have enough assets to maintain the 1-to-1 exchange rate, meaning its coin is essentially a fraud. But in the crypto world, where joke coins with pictures of dogs can be worth billions of dollars and scammers periodically make fortunes with preposterous-sounding schemes, Tether seemed like just another curiosity.

Then, this year, Tether Holdings started putting out a huge amount of digital coins. There are now 69 billion Tethers in circulation, 48 billion of them issued this year. That means the company supposedly holds a corresponding $69 billion in real money to back the coins—an amount that would make it one of the 50 largest banks in the U.S., if it were a U.S. bank and not an unregulated offshore company.

On Twitter, on business TV, and on hedge fund and investment bank trading floors, everyone started asking why Tether was minting so many coins and whether it really had the money it claimed to have. An anonymous anti-Tether blog post titled “The Bit Short: Inside Crypto’s Doomsday Machine” went viral, and CNBC host Jim Cramer told viewers to sell their crypto. “If Tether collapsed, well then, it’s going to gut the whole crypto ecosystem,” he warned.

As far as the regulators are concerned, the size of Tether’s supposed dollar holdings is so big that it would be dangerous even assuming the dollars are real. If enough traders asked for their dollars back at once, the company could have to liquidate its assets at a loss, setting off a run on the not-bank. The losses could cascade into the regulated financial system by crashing credit markets. If the trolls are right, and Tether is a Ponzi scheme, it would be larger than Bernie Madoff’s.

This is the co founder of tether.....doesn't look the least bit shady :embarrassed:

BTC and ETH just set new all time highs. I think I am going to buy more of both.

BITO is a bitcoin futures ETF that is now trading on the new york stock exchange. pretty interesting.

MARA also seems be something to keep an eye on.
i need doge to do the same now so i can pull out the couple hundred bucks i foolishly put into it lol.

everything else is looking real nice today! maybe not the best time to buy, wait for a pullback
i need doge to do the same now so i can pull out the couple hundred bucks i foolishly put into it lol.

everything else is looking real nice today! maybe not the best time to buy, wait for a pullback
I just realized your user name and blockchain share the same first part *mindblown *
It's a tough thing to decide: wait for a pull back or...

One popular method is to sell some when it hits a new high. Then set another 'high goal' and sell some more at that point...and so on. The goal being that you either allocate the funds to something that hasn't moved yet or to wait for the drop and buy in again.

Another method is DCA (dollar cost average) when you just put $X in on a schedule. This way you are just accumulating consistently. If I were doing this I might be inclined to not buy right now but still put my 'to be invested' funds aside to buy when it drops so that I would get more for the same amount of money.

It's all quite tricky.

I am reluctant to sell my ETH because I believe that it will go much higher before there is a significant drop... however, that is the same belief which kept me holding my ETH the last time there was a significant drop.

Can I say it again?

It's all quite tricky.

Even with believing in a company, system, philosophy, there is still a major speculative side to it.

I have invested a fair amount over the past 8 months or so but my original $7000 Canadian from September 2019 is now 20 ETH, so that is pretty straight math.
It's a tough thing to decide: wait for a pull back or...

One popular method is to sell some when it hits a new high. Then set another 'high goal' and sell some more at that point...and so on. The goal being that you either allocate the funds to something that hasn't moved yet or to wait for the drop and buy in again.

Another method is DCA (dollar cost average) when you just put $X in on a schedule. This way you are just accumulating consistently. If I were doing this I might be inclined to not buy right now but still put my 'to be invested' funds aside to buy when it drops so that I would get more for the same amount of money.

It's all quite tricky.

I am reluctant to sell my ETH because I believe that it will go much higher before there is a significant drop... however, that is the same belief which kept me holding my ETH the last time there was a significant drop.

Can I say it again?

It's all quite tricky.

Even with believing in a company, system, philosophy, there is still a major speculative side to it.

I have invested a fair amount over the past 8 months or so but my original $7000 Canadian from September 2019 is now 20 ETH, so that is pretty straight math.

That’s a lotta Les Pauls