Anyone here day trade Cryptocurrency?

Also on the 'air drop' front:

I receive free VeThor Token by holding VeChain on Kucoin exchange. I tripped over this one as I had joined Kucoin to acquire VeChain and while checking on my balance one day saw the VeThor Token adding up.

Holders of Cardano's ADA will be able to stake their ADA from Yoroi wallet and get Sundae Swap tokens.

Ada is being delisted from etoro. That sucks. From what I read I either have to sell for a loss or figure out how to transfer them to their digital wallet by the first quarter of 2022.

Get the Yoroi wallet and transfer it to that. It will probably cost a fraction of an ADA or something small to do it. Then when the Sundae Swap pools are announced, stake the ADA there to get free Sundae Swap.

Delisting ADA seems like a very odd move.
This is Charles today talking about the eToro issue:

If you don't want to sift through the information in the video, a shorter explanation from Finance In Bold :

"In a blog post, the trading platform stated that the halting would take effect from December 26, 2021, while the staking of the tokens would end on December 31, 2021.

According to eToro, the decision is solely due to business-related reasons, citing the evolving crypto regulatory environment. Notably, regulators in the United Kingdom and the U.S. have in recent months focused on exchanges as part of regulating the crypto sector."
Ada is being delisted from etoro. That sucks. From what I read I either have to sell for a loss or figure out how to transfer them to their digital wallet by the first quarter of 2022.

I already replied to this but after speaking with someone else, I think, (if you are open to advice) that this is the best thing for you to do:

1. Get EXODUS wallet (there is a desktop version and a mobile version - both FREE)
2. Move your ADA to that wallet
3. Stake your ADA there
4. Collect your 'earned' ADA (it feels pretty OK!)

There is a lot of security on the EXODUS wallet. A 12 or 15 word sequence that you need to write down and of course your typical passwords and so on as well. You can have the desktop version and the mobile (your security 'word sequence' will identify the account for the 2nd one that you register if you get both).

As for 'figuring out' transferring: you find where it says 'send' on eTORO and you find the 'receive' address on the EXODUS (normally by clicking 'receive' OR it may be 'deposit'). You paste the EXODUS 'receive' address into the 'send' space on the eTORO. It's a bit daunting but simple... just be precise.

The reason for this (2nd) reply to the same post is that I think just 'earning' more ADA may be a better option than 'earning' SundaeSwap. It is definitely simpler and it just seems to me that when ADA rips it is really going to rip.
Don't let the ADA price drop make you think negative about Cardano. The delisting publicity from eTORO is likely what is dropping the price. This is what we call FUD (Fear Uncertainty Doubt). Bad news has such an impact (not really rightfully so). ADA was also just listed on another exchange called Bitstamp.

eTORO does $60 million in volume
Bitstamp does $500 million in volume

Bitstamp is more than 8 times eTORO's size. If anything, ADA should have gone up 20%...but it didn't.

Now, feel good because the FUD is just doing its thing. Seriously, if I wasn't fully invested right now I would be buying more ADA.
Aaaaaaand just when it looked like the crypto markets were building for a good run, rumors of an African variant of COVID which is more contagious and which the current vaccines may not be as effective against, rears its ugliness and brings all markets down.

F'n boooo!!!
My rental properties continue to generate cash flow while appreciating as an asset.

You made great buys!

My rental property is worth about 60% of what it was when I made it into a revenue property and it costs me a little to float it every month so you are doing excellent.

Hey...if I could sell it, I could record a capital loss but I just don't know about the headaches.
So using the exodus wallet, how do you earn pancake swap by staking ada?

Using EXODUS, you stake your ADA to earn more ADA.

For SUNDAESWAP you use YOROI wallet and stake your ADA to SUNDAESWAP to earn more.

The play is: which one will be worth more?

I almost think that just earning more ADA is the better way to go.
UPDATE on staking:

Someone tells me that if you stake your ADA in the right place, you get both ADA and SUNDAESWAP!

So, this is what I am going to do. I will move my ADA to YOROI wallet and stake in a specific pool which has been approved for the SUNDAESWAP. I have earned a decent amount of ADA using EXODUS but when I can earn something else along the way at the same know...
I remember when the Ravens played at PSINet stadium for a few seasons. Lots of money raised and naming rights bought over those years. Good times.