Any sailors here?


Animal Psychic
No, not Navy vets or Village People fetishes - does anyone sail on a recreational or racing sailboat around here? We need a sailing forum if there are more than 3. I'm one, anyone else? Maybe just a general boating forum. Add fishing on a row boat. That should have a small group of people.
I freaked myself out one time while operating the keel of a sail boat...

Never again..............
Sailing, especially upwind, is witchcraft!

yes, that's what my friends say. We always go south out of Long Beach marina, no tacking or jibing, just one direction. Then turnaround and go the opposite way with the same wind. It's actually "lift" I tell them, and not witchcraft.
I haven't sailed in decades, but would love to again. I started as a teenager and took to it pretty quickly, first with a Force 5, then a 20' day sailor, and later a 40' Pierce.

You're probably much more experienced than me. I've been told the small sailboats are the best for learning, they give immediate feedback. I bought a 32' Ericson last year and that's most of my experience. I did used to sail with my dad as a kid (didn't really do much) and later with a boss on similar sized boats.
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I have a sunfish. It and the trailer have been on blocks for years because of the drought. The drought is over so it will be out on the lake again!
I was a stink-boater (powerboater), but gave that up when I moved up here to NH.

However, I still have plenty of friends who sail. I've obviously been out on their boats with them as a hand, but have never captained a sailboat before.

I've had 2 powerboats (both on the Chesapeake).

A 26' Wellcraft Aft-Cabin single 454, Bravo II outdrive and a 36' Trojan Tri-Cabin, twin 454's with In-drives.

Had some really good times on those boats, but MAN what a lot of money. $$$$.

I'd consider getting another boat, but I'd want a small Tri-hull or Boston Whaler type of boat with an outboard motor.
Just something to fart around the lakes in and do a bit of fishing from.
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A friend of mine has a sailboat and he is constantly trying to get me out sailing with him.
TBH, sailing doesn't sound like much fun at all...more like a shit ton of work and very little reward. Put me in powerboat any day.
A friend of mine has a sailboat and he is constantly trying to get me out sailing with him.
TBH, sailing doesn't sound like much fun at all...more like a shit ton of work and very little reward. Put me in powerboat any day.

It IS a shit-ton of work, and to be honest, it isn't very comfortable.
What surprised me most was how much a sailboat keels/leans. It was kind of frightening, actually.