I did some sailing in college.
One of my instructors had a 30 foot Mega and needed crew every week for the club regatta.
It was fun. Lake Ontario can deliver all kinds of conditions that make sailing interesting.
The Mega was an interesting vessel. The original intent was to have a boat that you could easily trailer.
It had a retractable keel and only an 8 foot beam. So, it easily fit on to a trailer and with the mast down you didn't have to worry about most overhead obstructions like bridges and wires.
He never did trailer it though.
He had a custom sail made for it that really made the boat move in low wind conditions.
Those days were the days we always won the regatta.
The retractable keel was handy too. If we weren't keeling over enough, he'd retract it a bit at a time until we reduced the draft as much as we could without capsizing. Everyone else would be running almost flat in the water.