Recent content by Scott Powell

  1. Scott Powell

    I don't recall ever seeing Lynyrd Skynyrd

    I saw Lynyrd Skynrd in 1987,it was a BIG deal, Ed king was killing it. 38 Special headlined in 1984 with Golden Ear Ring opening I saw Molly Hatchet,Blackfoot ,Wet Willie and the Georgia Satellites in 85 or 86
  2. Scott Powell

    What movies have you watched in the last few days?

    Once upon a Time in Hollywood
  3. Scott Powell

    Weekend Wrapup

    Played gig to a very packed house. Some of the crew from the Walking Dead came in,and Greg Nicotero (make-up effects supervisor, co-executive producer and occasional director for the TV series The Walking Dead) sat in with us on guitar and two of the special effects crew sang
  4. Scott Powell

    If this song doesn't make you weep openly then you have no heart, no soul, no human depth of emotion

    There is nothing sadder than being drunk the day your momma got out of prison,going to pick her up in the rain, only to be hit by a goshdarned Train
  5. Scott Powell

    Remember that lost weekend with Van Halen in '84?

    I remember being jealous as hell that he won
  6. Scott Powell

    Guess who got married?

  7. Scott Powell

    Weekend wrapup

    Friday= long day at work,picked up 3 hours of over time just for Friday. Saturday-played a show at my absolute favorite venue in Warm Springs( its within walking distance of FDR's" Little White House").We had a good crowd and went over very well. I am absolutely loving the Telecaster. I have...
  8. Scott Powell

    Hot or Not? New SG

  9. Scott Powell

    NDD - New Dog Day :)

    Happy New Dog Day!!! She looks wonderful and Good on You for rescuing a dog.
  10. Scott Powell

    I was really hoping today would be a HNAD but.....

    Oh yeah!For at least the last 15 years this was what I shot for for tone wise. I am glad I have had to change as it's made me think and play differently .