Recent content by jelloman

  1. jelloman

    Was gifted a guitar so I guess HNGGD

    Well damn...that's cool as hell...
  2. jelloman

    I never thought I'd say this...

    This is not the first time I've heard you say that...
  3. jelloman

    Have you ever flown in a Helicopter?

    I did an intro flight in a Robin R22...scared the shit out of me, and that's after I reached second solo in a Cessna 172...
  4. jelloman

    Anyone use Ableton Live 12 here?

    Sorry boss, wish I could help...Ableton is something I look at every now and then, uncross my eyes, and move on... @Dew Knot Humps it's always amusing to me that people don't see how complex REAPER can's really simple on it's face, but there is so much available in it "under the...
  5. jelloman

    That one tune that gets me tearing up every time

    It's just much the performance as it is the songs ..
  6. jelloman

    2025 Studio Tour...

    Part 1... Part 2...
  7. jelloman

    Funny, Creepy AI Pics Of MWGL Peeps

    Except that's not me, that's the other Dave...
  8. jelloman

    Question: Line Selector Pedals recommendations?

    Boss LS-2 is what comes immediately to mind... Radial probably makes something similar...
  9. jelloman

    Question: Is it possible?

    Possible, yes...but not probable...
  10. jelloman

    Oh the Fun of Selling on Reverb.

    I usually put so much detail in the listing that I don't get a lot of questions...