Anyone use Ableton Live 12 here?

Mark Wein

Grand Poobah
Staff member
I've been a Logic Pro guy for some years and ProTools before that. At the school we are doing a show that requires the students to program and play with backing tracks this semester and the music director for this show is having us use Ableton for everything since that apparently is how much of this stuff is done these days. I got the educators deal on the full suite and so far I've just been programming the percussion for "Smooth" by Santana (The show is a Billboard Top 100 theme).
Sorry boss, wish I could help...Ableton is something I look at every now and then, uncross my eyes, and move on...

@Dew Knot Humps it's always amusing to me that people don't see how complex REAPER can's really simple on it's face, but there is so much available in it "under the hood"...I've been constantly modifying mine for so long it is completely unrecognizable...
Sorry boss, wish I could help...Ableton is something I look at every now and then, uncross my eyes, and move on...

@Dew Knot Humps it's always amusing to me that people don't see how complex REAPER can's really simple on it's face, but there is so much available in it "under the hood"...I've been constantly modifying mine for so long it is completely unrecognizable...
I'm using it at school to build backing tracks for my bands. If I was doing more traditional recording I would just work with Logic though,