Recent content by Honkridge

  1. Honkridge

    Major or minor? Do you have a bias?

    Whole I guess major
  2. Honkridge

    Was gifted a guitar so I guess HNGGD

  3. Honkridge

    Question: QUESTION OF THE DAY: When you were younger, did you ever drive your parents up the wall messing with your door bell, trying to imitate a popular song?

    I STILL do that! "...Somebody ringin the the door and let em in!!" Macca is a genius
  4. Honkridge

    I never thought I'd say this...

  5. Honkridge

    HNCOD Now HNBD!!!

    Paul Schmal...I'd be bustin out some Thunder Cat on that. (not that i can play like him...even remotely)
  6. Honkridge

    My name is Randall. People call me Reggie for nooooo good reason, so... BUT MY NAME IS CALLED REGINALD. Did I just say three names, I think I did?????

    In the quantum multi universe theory there is an Earth where everyone is named Reginald. It's probably the coolest place ever. My name is Bob and I'm not allowed. It's not all unicorn's and soft toilet paper there though. It turns out they have no "R's" either! So everyone is known as...
  7. Honkridge

    It's been about five years

    Well I know who's avatar I'm stealing next year
  8. Honkridge

    Teleclear-Bullet Silver Dollar Caster Merica

    Looks like an ant farm...does not rock
  9. Honkridge

    Dig it! Check out this vintage BOSS I got...!!! It's so boss... not the pawn shop this time, a normal music store

    I've always wanted to have a collection of silver screw Boss pedals. Alas so does everyone else...
  10. Honkridge

    Analogman Manufacturing

    I had a KOT. Didn't like it. Sold it. The first run of Tim's is a better pedal as is the grey box DOD 250. Also check out the Menatone eight knob Kar Krash on the the "Comet" side. Its pretty amazing. And if you can find a Matchless HotBox you are golden. The Badcat version is nice too...
  11. Honkridge

    Pets of Wein
