Congrats! More than 6 years. I hope you’re not disappointed. Worse case, you turn around and sell it for more than you paid.
I want to add to this discussion that I understand some people find clones immoral. I understand because that’s how I used to feel about all clones. I tend to look at things a bit differently now.
Trade Dress, obviously, violates a company’s trademark. Also, it could fool a buyer into thinking they are getting the same thing, same quality, etc.
Everything Mike Piera at Analogman makes is based on classic circuits, tweaked to perfection. So, it does become a bit ironic when people get upset that one of his pedals gets cloned.
In the case of KOT clones, like the KOC, I see no harm since Mike cannot even keep up with his own demand. The clones are not cutting into his business, nor affecting his ability to employ people.