Recent content by aliensporebomb

  1. aliensporebomb

    Achtung! If you are having problems with logging in using the Chrome browser...

    Hi all - I've returned from, gosh, nowhere specific. I lost the password for this but I managed to boot my old-old-old computer which had the password cached in a browser and I'm here. Now happily on the new-new-new computer. What's new?
  2. aliensporebomb

    Electro harmonix organ pedals--opinions?

    My experience with these is that you have to have very precise fingerings to get it to sound "organ like". It's definitely got the sound but some people finger chords in a very guitaristic way so you might have to practice to get it to sound good (specifically using voicings not commonly...
  3. aliensporebomb

    Achtung! If you are having problems with logging in using the Chrome browser...

    OMG it took me forever to be able to sign back in here - I think it was that my password was via muscle memory and I was able to sign in using a different computer than I normally use and it freaking worked. What did I miss?
  4. aliensporebomb

    "Fender Musical Instruments Announces a Change in Ownership"

    Are they going to start promoting the "play authentic" thing?
  5. aliensporebomb

    Guess what showed up at my office today? HNHGD

    If it stays and tune and intonates (does it?) that's a pretty cool. It seems appropriate you got a super artistic empty warehouse to put it in to photograph - it just looks arty.
  6. aliensporebomb

    HCEG favorite crazy builder featured in esquire

    Most curious. I remember that guy.
  7. aliensporebomb

    Help! Charvel v Charvel

    Those Guthrie Govan models are to die for but they are incredibly expensive for what they are it appears.
  8. aliensporebomb

    Mojo Request My sister died this morning

    Very sorry for your loss - my sincere condolences.
  9. aliensporebomb

    Your pick: 80s -90s shredder guitars

    I've got these, among some others:
  10. aliensporebomb

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    It was kind of interesting. Because our dishwasher died my wife's older sister had Thanksgiving at her place. A bit unusual. In the morning before the festivities I did a zwift thanksgiving day virtual bike ride (zwift is this thing that lets you connect your bike and trainer and heart rate...
  11. aliensporebomb

    Dig it! Unexpected NGD - Gibson content

    nice! And it actually is a real Gibson Les Paul and not a counterfeit - lovely! Enjoy it.
  12. aliensporebomb

    Achtung! Gibson Firebird X Content!!! They finally have them working and WOW are they good.

    They could have used the Big Boy to run over the Firebird X's (link to my video of the darned thing blazing through southern minnesota):
  13. aliensporebomb

    Mojo Request Undertaking training for my commercial drone licence

    Let me tell you something - I was given a drone for Christmas a couple years ago and on its first flight in a big open field something happened to make the drone lose contact with the radio. Darned thing ended up in a tree and I never saw it again because it just so happened to land in the tree...
  14. aliensporebomb

    The Official Guitar Torture Pron Thread

    I hear the owner of this needed a tetanus shot later.
  15. aliensporebomb

    Shimming a bolt-on neck

    I ran into this recently. Whoever had this guitar before had stored it improperly and there was a mild forward and subtle backward bow at different spots. You couldn't tell in the store, it only became evident later. I thought of using C clamps and putting it in an oven or just getting rid...