Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Animal Psychic
May your turkey by moist, your tofu by tasty, and your time with loved ones, family, friends, and pets be wonderful! If you're all alone post to this thread and others are sure to reply.

Hopefully you don't have to work like my son does this evening (although he's happy, it's his first job and he's still infatuated with his job).
May your turkey by moist, your tofu by tasty, and your time with loved ones, family, friends, and pets be wonderful! If you're all alone post to this thread and others are sure to reply.

Hopefully you don't have to work like my son does this evening (although he's happy, it's his first job and he's still infatuated with his job).
Happy Thanksgiving Rickenvox. I'm not alone. We have a house full here. Candice and i are planning on checking out your party in January. It's too late to un- invite us.
just got back from my dads...jus' me n pa' and now i'm wit muh dawg so not alone :*spits*

P.S. .......teenage neighbor kid is aparently entertaining younger kids from next door shindig and noisy as hell...those dern teenage voices :arghhhh: it's likme they figured out they have some volume and think they sound like Sly Stallone but instead they sound like Bobcat Goldthwaite :mad:
I hope everyone had a great day.
I worked,but it was my choice. I couldn't pass up the 2 1/2x pay.
Happy Turkey, Ham or Turduken Day!!!

Hopefully everyone have given Thanks for what they have as tomorrow the hedonism begins. FWIW, I am staying home,

3 kids. One moved to Arizona, knew he couldn't come. Middle child came. My youngest, goes to U of I, 70ish miles away. Thought she was coming, found out last week she wasn't. She lives with her boyfriend and her boyfriend's sister, his mom is visiting for a month, lives in Washington. Thought they all were coming. No. His mom wanted to go to a black Friday sale that started at 4:embarrassed:0 Thanksgiving. :flamemad:
Bummer, Bob.

Left at 6: 00 AM Eastern time yesterday and drove out to IL with wife, SIL, and Cubby The Dog in tow. Checked into the hotel, then went over to my folks and did the dinner and discussion thing. Went back to hotel and vegged, then went to sleep. Got up, ate breakfast, drove by the old house, then headed back home and got in around 6 PM. Had a pretty fun 36 hours, but still glad it’s over, with a whole weekend ahead :thu:
I (and my colleagues) arranged a Thanksgiving dinner for Chinese students (which was fun), and afterwards encouraged some of them to go to a Western bar where unbeknownst to us there was a drag queen show that night. Cool evening, but a bit 'throw them in at the deep end' :grin:
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It was kind of interesting. Because our dishwasher died my wife's older sister had Thanksgiving at her place. A bit unusual. In the morning before the festivities I did a zwift thanksgiving day virtual bike ride (zwift is this thing that lets you connect your bike and trainer and heart rate monitor to an app that lets you go on a virtual ride with people all over the world - it was over 2300 people!) At the eating festival my older of the two nieces brought her first serious boyfriend over for family meeting which was a bit interesting too. Everything was cool and everyone ate too much and both my brother and law and I took tryptophan naps after eating. I woke up pretty quickly but he was in oblivion somewhere.
I (and my colleagues) arranged a Thanksgiving dinner for Chinese students (which was fun), and afterwards encouraged some of them to go to a Western bar where unbeknownst to us there was a drag queen show that night. Cool evening, but a bit 'throw them in at the deep end' :grin:

Sounds like fun. Hope you didn't blame both the food and western drag queens on America. :cheers:
Sounds like fun. Hope you didn't blame both the food and western drag queens on America. :cheers:

Actually, we were like 'what? you think this is unusual? This is freedom. This is what we enjoy all the time. We accept everyone and we believe in the pursuit of happiness, regardless of race, gender, sexuality blah blah blah'.

But we did not plan it that way :)
3 kids. One moved to Arizona, knew he couldn't come. Middle child came. My youngest, goes to U of I, 70ish miles away. Thought she was coming, found out last week she wasn't. She lives with her boyfriend and her boyfriend's sister, his mom is visiting for a month, lives in Washington. Thought they all were coming. No. His mom wanted to go to a black Friday sale that started at 4:embarrassed:0 Thanksgiving. :flamemad:

Mojo Dude