Only if Star Wars is in the title.
Forest Gump: A Star Wars Story.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away a youngling with a slow wit and poor gait defied the odds to become the most powerful StarBike technician in the outer rim.
When his lifelong best girl, Princess Jen-nae and his faithful friend Bubba Wan are captured and taken prisoner by the Empire and Dark Lord "Darth Greenbow", he must summon The Force in order to rescue and pedal them to the safety of the secret Rebel base.
A charismatic yet dubious Galactic Pedi-Cab pilot known as LT. Dan, seizes the opportunity to evade the bounty on his head by smuggling Forest aboard the Imperial Destroyer where his friends are trapped in a Geomatter cargo hold without enough rocks to throw at the containment system controls that could lead them to freedom.
Armed only with a single flower and box of chocolates, young Gump must face and destroy Darth Greenbow in order to save Jen-nae and Bubba Wan from certain doom.
Watch as this unlikely duo face massive Solar Storms, Steep hills, and tire-shredding terrain on their way to the Imperial stronghold.
Special appearances by Academy Award winners Sally Field and Jodie Foster.
In theaters this Summer.