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Gun shows are free-for-alls.
I think there are some that will be swayed by the doubling down on his misogyny by trying to use Bill and by trying to physically intimidate her, as Andy @Kerouac mentioned. Some suburban women that had not decided what to do yet. And suburban men as well. I do not think he "stopped the bleeding" except among the faithful.Is it really anyone's debate to win or lose?
Strident supporters of either candidate will always think their candidate won
Tepid supporters are most likely doing the lesser of two evils choice and that's not going to change
3rd party supporters, well, you know
Undecideds? Is there really such a thing in an election this incredibly polarizing?
Is there a real black market supplying curio and relic guns to criminals? I’m not sure how to interpret the regulations: does the curio exemption allow people to sell vintage semi-auto pistols, AK-47s, or machine guns without background checks? Or is it limited to old bolt-action rifles?
I think there are some that will be swayed by the doubling down on his misogyny by trying to use Bill and by trying to physically intimidate her, as Andy @Kerouac mentioned. Some suburban women that had not decided what to do yet. And suburban men as well. I do not think he "stopped the bleeding" except among the faithful.
VT has never required a permit and doesn't restrict carry method (concealed, open, whatever). Constitutional carry used to be called Vermont Carry for that very reason.Idaho front and center again. And no permit required to carry concealed, and gun rights to carry preserved on college campuses. So that professors can shoot themselves in their own foot.(It happened, it really did). I do not really disagree with you guys that are responsible gun owners on your position. My state happens to be a bit reckless IMO.
Gun shows are free-for-alls.
Not sure at this point there were huge numbers either way. It was an ugly night overall. One for her to weather and him to send hail mary passes and see what happens.I could see how either candidate can lose some of their tepid supporters by changing that person's evaluation of who is the lesser of two evils as events unfold.
C&R license holders are actually Federally licensed and required to keep a bound book of all transactions & inventory records, subject to audit at any time and must supply a copy of their C&R FFL & ID with transactions so there's still a paper trail on their transactions.
Do tell.Gun shows are free-for-alls.
No, and never said there was. For the most part, it is a hunting state, along with some plinking, and I am sure a few big collectors. But if some guy was sitting at the lunch counter with his glock on his hip, I might try to sit somewhere else. I just don't frankly want to be around guns that much. We live pretty far apart here in Idaho. As my Dad always said, your right to swing your fist (or shoot your gun) ends at the other guy's face. Faces are closer in the city, so more law. Not sure what the answer is. Not super stoked on Hillary on this point. Probably preferred Bernie's stance, as I did on most things. But it is not nearly my top issue, and I do not claim to be completely informed on it.VT has never required a permit and doesn't restrict carry method (concealed, open, whatever). Constitutional carry used to be called Vermont Carry for that very reason.
And no professors have shot themselves in the foot here... that I'm aware of.
There will always be outliers on both sides of an argument. Your reckless/unlucky professor is a case-in-point.
Is there blood running in the streets in ID now?
They used to be, but I can tell you that here in NC there's been a big crackdown in the last few years with an increase in police presence, and things are done more or less by the book now. I did personally witness several "off books" firearm transactions at gun shows 20-some years ago, but that was more about avoiding payment of taxes than selling guns to criminals.
My personal experience is much different. Also, I don't believe you.
More or less.
Fwiw, I think people who open carry firearms and aren't cops are idiots. I still support their right to do so though.No, and never said there was. For the most part, it is a hunting state, along with some plinking, and I am sure a few big collectors. But if some guy was sitting at the lunch counter with his glock on his hip, I might try to sit somewhere else. I just don't frankly want to be around guns that much. We live pretty far apart here in Idaho. As my Dad always said, your right to swing your fist (or shoot your gun) ends at the other guy's face. Faces are closer in the city, so more law. Not sure what the answer is. Not super stoked on Hillary on this point. Probably preferred Bernie's stance, as I did on most things. But it is not nearly my top issue, and I do not claim to be completely informed on it.
You left out a bunch of stuff, other than guns, taxes and election process (almost sounds like a Warren Zevon lyric) that are important to me, suffice it to say, that I have.Fwiw, I think people who open carry firearms and aren't cops are idiots. I still support their right to do so though.
Guns don't bother me. Stupid people doing stupid things with guns bothers me.
Trump was right: Hillary did take advantage of the system to win the nomination... just like he took advantage of the tax code.
You decide which one is more damaging to democracy.