OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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I love how they closed out with the Stones even after the C&D.

With balls like that how do you find pants?
I really wish they would stop giving these guys a place to spew their views. There are plenty of level headed religious folks out there and they never get a voice. It is always the batshit crazy ones who get on TV or the radio. I always have to remind myself these folks don't represent all of the christians out there. That most of them are good people.

You are never going to hear on the news, Today a Muslim went to work, prayed for peace, loved his children and didn't commit a terrorist attack. It's always the nutjobs with a twisted interpatation of their religion.

It may come as a shock but, there are even Christians that don't vote Republican. Some people read the bible and what they take from it is, the Republicans are pure evil. It's what not to do. Really, really don't want to start a religious debate. Just saying, there is more than one "brand" and, I don't want to be lumped in with the other ones. I've had to unfriend/unfollow people on Facebook attacking my religion. I really want to think that, there was some other conversation, they had with somebody else and, they are getting their shots in to them.
Trump did a lot of "I", no "we" or "Congress and I".....spoken like a true despot. If he wins, I bet he won't take the blame when he runs into the reality of the division of power.
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Jeff Sessions is the Republican version of Joe Leiberman (then a Democrat): you have someone representing your party on national TV who comes across as a whiny old man rather a confident leader.
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