OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Anyone catch Colbert last night? I just watched some clips, freaking hilarious.

Me too. I think he's doing a great job, but much like Conan and Letterman before, his more nuanced style is being over shadowed by the vanilla stylings of Fallon and Corden. Kimmel's impressed me over the last few years, having really grown from a lifeless schlub...he's just less socially aware/concerned (which is fine).
I can't think of any time in my life that I've witnessed such willful ignorance. They're so determined to hate the Obamas and the Clintons that evidence simply doesn't matter; they've willed their delusions into truth.

It's called Trumpiness.
Speaking as a registered Republican, I'm voting for Jill Stein. She has no foreign policy (neither do the Libertarians), but at least we'll have legal weed and healthcare.

As long as Hilary is way ahead in VA, I will be voting Green too. It is a shame that I have to vote to keep someone out of office rather than someone I want in office.
Oh, I'm certain of that. It just really seems like this last decade or so it's starting to boil over.

I think it has been there all along, but Fox news coming on the scene gave it a national voice, so now they have a stage and others can see it and start to rally.
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