You know when you work really hard on something really big and it goes down the crapper?

Oddly, I was watching a show about the death of Elvis last night where they suggested that constipation contributed to his death.
I saw that show a couple of weeks ago.

I'd always heard that it was prescription drugs, but I've never really read bio's or other things on it, either.
Oddly, I was watching a show about the death of Elvis last night where they suggested that constipation contributed to his death.

Yes. There's a great book -


a forensic examination of what caused the downward spiral and death of Elvis. as stated above, the meds he was on caused constipation, and as Elvis did NOT own a Squatty Potty, the conclusion was he died on the toilet, his heart giving out as he was trying to squeeze one out.

(this really is a terrific book. if you've read the Guralnik bio of Elvis, I think you would find this book fascinating as well.)
Thanks everyone for the kind words.

I had my final meeting last night, and I'm not angry anymore. They compensated me more than fairly for my time, were very contrite for the projects' failure and left the door open for a continued working relationship. Still massively disappointed because it would have been something of a game changer for me monetarily but you can't win them all, I guess.