Couch'd Tater...
I'm on a diet...Fine. I was gonna share cookies but since you're gonna be greedy with your imaginary lottery winnings, I'll eat them all myself.
I'm on a diet...Fine. I was gonna share cookies but since you're gonna be greedy with your imaginary lottery winnings, I'll eat them all myself.
When I hit lotto I'm ordering an Argo...
Well I need to buy TWO lottery tickets...Would be my first choice too. I had to raise the price on Argos for next year :(
Well I need to buy TWO lottery tickets...
No...they had some weird old English name for it...
...whatever...I'm starting to believe that I'm as big an idiot as I look...
So I got THAT going for me...Don't sell yourself short, David. You're a tremendous idiot.
So I got THAT going for me...
...which is nice...
Stupid second kid to feed. Ruins everything
Honestly, it's long over due.
Fuckin' amen!When you consider the price of the new Gibsons, your guitars are a steal at the current prices.
I am just...speechless...Wrapped up this guy
and it might be the best sounding Argo... EVER. Holy smokes.
I am just...speechless...
Doug Kauer, you are a artist and craftsman of the highest order...
Hey Doug, lemme ask you a question or five. Mostly to satisfy my own curiosity. How did you get into the guitar building game? What is your background? Did you come at it from a player's perspective, or that of a guitar tech, or a woodworker, or more from a designer's path? I guess it could be a combination of all of them. I always wondered how builders wind up running a company making amazing guitars, but I don't know any to ask...well, until now.